i, robot Freewill and the role of the maths teacher ALM 2009 Rachel Stone
What influences how we teach maths? For example, does what you believe about mathematics affect how you teach it? Research (Thompson 1982, Lerman 1992, Swan 2006) suggests ‘yes’ but it is not necessarily a straightforward connection
Other possible influences on the teaching of mathematics (Ernest 1989) Teacher's system of beliefs, e.g. about mathematics, which then informs beliefs about teaching and learning Social context of the teaching situation Instructional behaviour (teaching practice) Also: teacher’ own level of reflection makes a difference
My hypothesis The social context… …doesn’t just affect our practices It affects our very beliefs themselves Bourdieu - habitus and field (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992)
What I did Three case studies Interviews Observations Written questionnaire
What I found *Miller-Baker 2001
Conclusion Previous environments have a role in shaping beliefs about mathematics and its pedagogy These beliefs in turn then influence the choice of subsequent places of employment. The ethos of the new environment then shapes, and is shaped by, the beliefs and practices of the individual practitioners who have elected to work there.
References Bourdieu, P. and Wacquant, L An invitation to reflexive sociology. Wacquant, L. (trans). Cambridge: Polity Ernest, P The impact of beliefs on the teaching of mathematics in P. Ernest, Ed. Mathematics Teaching: The State of the Art. London, Falmer Press, 1989: Lerman, S Alternative Perspectives of the Nature of Mathematics and their Influence on the Teaching of Mathematics. British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, Miller, K. and Baker, D Mathematics and Science as social practices: investigating primary student teacher responses to a critical epistemology. Ways of Knowing Journal, Vol 1, No 1 (University of Brighton) Swan, M Designing and using research instruments to describe the beliefs and practices of mathematics teachers. Research in Education. No. 75 Thompson, A.G The relationship of teachers’ conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching to instructional practice. Educational Studies in Mathematics 15,