Economics Chapter 2
How does it increase? Dependence on others? Or Complete Self Sufficiency? Reality is whether you live on your own or with your parents, you still rely on others to help provide you with a higher standard of living. This is accomplished through TRADE! Standard of Living
Bartering The Merchant Class and Hardship Growing Empires and Wealth abroad Main constant, trade always occurs between individuals A Brief History of Trade
17 th and 18 th Century Principle in Europe. The idea that a Country’s exports are greater than the value of its imports Ex: The more gold amassed the wealthier the country What ensued? Countries competed to import cheap natural resources and then convert them into more expensive manufactured goods for export. Mercantilism
This ideal lead European countries to the Americas to try and colonize them and take advantage of their resources. FLAW: If a country is always trying to export more than it imports and everyone else is playing the same game, someone has to LOSE. Here come the laws and taxes! In an attempt to maintain an export advantage Country’s used taxes as a form of control……But Mercantilism Part 2
Taxes ended up distorting the flow of goods The people of the country were not better off. In the end it created a Win/lose condition that harmed more than it helped. But why should we believe this, let’s try it for ourselves Mercantilism the Trilogy
Rules: BIRKA
Adam Smith – A Wealth of Nations Exposed the special interests of mercantilism His idea: IF a country specialized in what it produced best and freely traded those products, then society would be better off. Viewed Wealth as being the sum total of all that the people of a nation produced. Wealth increases even if you import some goods according to this theory FREE TRADE
Absolute Advantage (Implies Efficiency) Exists when you can produce more of a good or service that someone else. Or if you can produce that good or service faster! Comparative Advantage Exists if you can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost that someone else. If you sacrifice less of one good or service to produce another good or service, then you have this advantage. Who has the ADVANTAGE?
100 Typical American High School Students 100 Young People in Bangladesh. The argument: When Americans specialize in T-Shirts, they give up the potential for more doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, mechanics, fire fighters, police officers, business managers, machinists, and social workers than does Bangladesh. The Catch, America can produce T-Shirts more efficiently, but it makes sense to trade pharmaceuticals, refined chemicals, capital equipment, and know-how for T-Shirts CA Example
Milk at the Grocery Store Win-Win Both parties of trade increase the collective value of all they own. Wealth is nothing more than the collective value of all you own. Thank You-Thank You