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Facebook Terminology
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Reach: The number of unique users who saw one impression of your content. Impression: The number of times your content appeared. Facebook Terminology
Engaged User: The number of unique users who clicked on your content. Like, Share, Comment, Click, etc Engagement Rate: The ratio between the engaged user and total number of impressions for a post. Facebook Terminology
Negative Feedback: Actions by users such as Hide Post, Hide All Posts, Unlike Page, Report as Spam Positive Feedback: Actions by users that result in engagement. Facebook Terminology
What is the purpose? To generate interest in the Virginia travel product by engaging consumers with beautiful imagery, compelling headlines and brief descriptions. Ultimately, directing consumers to content to learn more and plan a trip. Facebook Strategy
Purpose? Customer Service Customer Relationships Inspiration Special Offers Brand Exposure Drive Traffic Facebook Strategy
What matters the most to us? Click to Website/Blog5 points Share3 points Comment1 point Like0.5 point Facebook Post Score
What steps do we take? Identify Article to Promote Find Image Write Headline Write Description Schedule Facebook Post Process