Essential Question: ‘The Giving Tree’: Tender Story of Unconditional Love or Disturbing Tale of Selfishness? Close Reading Activity
Step One Have students draw lines to separate stanzas
First Read – Read the Poem for fluency and enjoyment Read the poem The Giving Tree Teacher may read aloud or students can read independently.
Second Read In the left margin, have students summarize the first and second stanzas in less than 10 words. Guided Question: How has the boy changed from the first stanza to the second? Have students share out their responses. Third Read Have students circle words that are repeated throughout the text (key words) Guided Question: Is this poem a tender story of unconditional love or disturbing tale of selfishness? Underline reasons for your answers.
Extension Activity: Opinion Piece In your opinion, was the tree selfless or selfish? Be sure to include reasons for your answer based on evidence from the text. Discuss your opinion with your group/partner before you begin your writing.