Mozart Jigsaw
Purpose To provide you with the opportunity to investigate an example of research presented in the media. To practice being a critical consumer of research findings presented in the media To develop a basic understanding of why skepticism is important in science.
In-class activity You will examine the presentation of research on the “Mozart Effect” in press releases, the original publication of this research, and replies written in response to the original publication. You are responsible for presenting your assigned reading to the group. You will also discuss your reactions to the set of readings with your group and complete a group assignment. NOTE: EACH GROUP PARTICIPANT SHOULD PRESENT EVEN IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE PERSON PER READING IN THE GROUP
In-class activity Each member should present their 3-minute summary (verbal, written, or both) to their group. Focus on presenting 3-4 main points from the reading to your group to serve as the basis for later discussion. Finish with individual group discussion and completion of the group assignment
Instructions Record each member name and signature Present each person’s 3 minute summary in this order: Press releases Original article Reply article Discuss your reactions to and questions regarding the readings and answer the questions listed on the group assignment slide (next) For participation, turn: Names/signatures Responses to the group assignment slide (next)
Group Assignment What does the Press Release reading suggest about the Mozart Effect? What impact might the press releases have on parents of young children? What was the research question in the original “Mozart Effect” study. Write a 3-5 sentence summary of the methods used in the original “Mozart Effect” study (participants, task/s, data collection). Classify the research design used in the original study (correlation, experimental, quasi-experimental) and identify the variables of interest in the original study. Write a 2 sentence summary of the findings of the original “Mozart Effect” study. Write a summary of the 3-4 main points of the reply article Write a 1 paragraph summary of your reactions to the readings
Group Discussion Consider first: Your initial reactions to individual the readings and the readings taken together. Each group should share 2 reactions with the class. Next consider: Author/s of each article, author/s affiliation (i.e., where they work) and source of the publication, title of the articles Next consider the readings as a collective and discuss: Did the author/s confuse correlation with causation? Did the study use a control group? Were the conclusions presented in the article appropriate given the data collected and the research design that was used? Did the author/s of the article present valid observations and logical conclusions based on study data or interpret the data in an inappropriate or biased manner? Was sufficient information presented to support the major conclusions or messages presented in the article? What was the sample size? (N = ?) Next open general discussion