Don’t Ever Neglect DEN
Chancellor SEC The Chancellor shall assist the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight in the performance of their duties and shall take charge of the council during the incapacity or extended absence of both. He shall be charged with the total participation of the membership in the activities of the council. Subject to the approval of the Grand Knight he shall institute a program to develop the availability and interest of the members in the specific activities of the council and refer his findings to the Grand Knight. He shall exercise a special interest in new members and those members who are sick or in distress. He shall perform such other duties as the Grand Knight directs.
Council Officer Responsibilities Chancellor Elected annually by council members Chancellor Assist the Grand Knight and the Deputy Grand Knight in their duties. Third in line of progression Chancellor Encourages members to take an active role in the activities of the council Chairman of the welcoming committee
Council Officer Responsibilities Chancellor Presides over the Admissions committee Works with the council vocations director Chancellor Reminds members of fraternal responsibilities, such as visit the sick and members in distress Chancellor Member of the Squires Circle Ceremonials Team
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE Team Members Not necessarily a permanent team Ad Hoc Team appointed by GK as necessary Not necessary all executive members Preferably not sponsors Members who can answer and give info on programs Members knowledgeable of our Order Members knowledgeable of our insurance program
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE Objectives Admissions Committee — Ensures that the applicant understands the Order and that the council understands what the candidate expects from his membership. A properly functioning Admissions Committee: SEC. 108.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE Objectives 1. Is comprised of the chancellor and six members who are appointed by the grand knight. 2. Requests the candidates to complete the Admissions Committee Questionnaire section of the Membership Document (#100). 3. Requests the candidates to complete the Member Interest Survey (#1842) to identify what types of activities are of interest to the candidates. 4. Forwards the Admissions Committee Report, which is read at a meeting of the council followed by candidate balloting, to the grand knight. 5. Informs the candidates of the date for the next First Degree exemplification. 6. After the candidates have taken their First Degree, asks the new members to consider joining in the committees and activities that match their interests.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE – Sec 108 The Grand Knight shall appoint an Admissions Committee of seven members. Within five days after the presentation to him of the application, the Grand Knight shall refer the application to the Admissions Committee and thereupon said Committee shall notify the applicant to appear before it for examination as to his qualifications for membership. If five members of the Committee shall file a written report withholding endorsement because the applicant is not a practical Catholic, said applicant shall be deemed rejected.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE Disposition of Application SEC. 109 Unless the application is rejected for the reason stated in Section 108, it shall be read by the Grand Knight at the first meeting following the time allowed for the report of the Admissions Committee, and except when notice of applications shall be published as provided in Section 110, the council shall proceed forthwith to ballot for the admission of such applicant after said reading. When notice of application shall be published as provided in Section 110, the ballot for the admission of such applicant shall be made at the next regular meeting following the time when the applicant's name shall appear on said bulletin. 2. Upon initiation of an applicant in the First Degree, the Financial Secretary shall forthwith forward the application to the Supreme Council, with proper endorsements thereon, showing dates of proposal, election and initiation into First Degree.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE BALLOTING Inspection of Ballot SEC The Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight shall in turn privately inspect the ballot box, both before and after the ballot, and the former shall announce the result. If the number of negative ballots cast does not exceed one-half of the members present, the applicant shall be declared elected, otherwise rejected. The exact number of negative ballots shall not be stated. All ballots for membership shall be secret, but the Grand Knight may order a second ballot at the same meeting upon the same application, when, in his judgment, it may be warranted by circumstances, provided such second ballot shall be ordered taken and declared before the first ballot shall be declared and before any further business shall be transacted, but no further balloting shall be permitted.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE BALLOTING When Several Candidates SEC If more than one candidate is to be balloted for at a meeting, the Grand Knight may announce that the first ballot shall be a general one upon all the candidates, and that if not more than one-half of those present shall cast negative ballots upon such general ballot, no other ballots shall be taken. If such announcement is made, and not more than one-half negative ballots are cast upon said general ballot, all candidates so balloted for shall be declared elected. If more than one-half negative ballots are cast upon said general ballot, then an individual ballot shall be taken on each candidate.
ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE Amount of Fees SEC The initiation fee shall be fixed by the council, provided however, no initiation fee shall be required of any priest or member of a religious community who applies for membership. For members entering under 26 years of age, the initiation fee shall not exceed $10. Before initiation
RECRUITMENT March Blitz Same old… Same old… Pulpit message… Any new sparks? Ideas? Target audience Strategies? Incentives? Cooperation with other Parish Groups Joint District venture and activities? Open House?
Admissions Cttee Questionnaire