The Hero’s Journey
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A character, object, or pattern of events that occurs universally in literature from the Greek arche (original) and typos (form or model) = original model
The circle = an archetype for the unbroken cycle that is life Heroes, villains, protagonists, antagonists = archetypes in literature 5 Stages of the Hero’s Journey = archetype for the hero’s adventure
Stage of Journey Where Stage Appears in Short Story Call to Adventure HelpersUmbrella she uses as a cane Crossing the Threshold Shadow Presence Crossing the log bridge Tests Supreme Test Reward Return
Stage of Journey Evidence from Story Call to Adventure Helpers“She carried a thin, small cane made from an umbrella, and with this she kept tapping the frozen earth in front of her” (Welty 1). Crossing the Threshold Shadow Presence “ ‘Now comes the trial,’ said Phoenix” (Welty 1). Tests Supreme Test Reward Return
Go back to the story and look for quotes that support the 5 stages of the journey that you’ve identified Copy the words and phrases from the story onto your handout
“…I go on another trip for the soothing medicine.” Analysis: She’s just a common woman without a lot of education, but she continues to make this trip for her grandson sake. She’s unselfish. Helpers: “She carried a thin, small cane made from an umbrella.” Analysis: Makes good use of her resources even though she doesn’t have a lot of money.
“now comes the trial.” Analysis: Her age is an issue. Because this is not a trip she makes daily, this part is dangerous. Shadow Presence: Her age! “I wasn’t as old as I thought.” Crossing the threshold gave her a sense of confidence
“there she had to creep and crawl, spreading her knees and stretching her fingers like a baby trying to climb steps.” “… And then he laughed and lifted his gun and pointed it at Phoenix.” Analysis: Author is stereotyping her because of her age. Supreme Test: “It was my memory had left me. There I sat forgot why I made my long trip” Analysis: Her old age and the difficulty of the trip made her forget why she came.
“the doctor said as long as you came to get it you can have it” Analysis: The trip was worth it because it allowed Phoenix’s grandson to live
“Here’s a nickel” “Then her slow step began on the stairs, going down” Allowing her grandson to live
As you watch the 20-minute movie, look for the 5 stages of the hero’s journey Add to your list of textual evidence if you see anything you missed while reading Click here to watch video