Teacher: Marilena Beltramini
They are appointed by the Governments of the single MemberState and the Parliament The ITALIAN GOVERNMENT Constitutional institution MINISTERS Palazzo CHIGI in charge for 5 years BUREAUS FUNCTION executive function: make political decision concrete enact decrees having law force represent Italy at EU level. After UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE... The are the expression of the coalition who won the Parliament majority Composition: the Prime Minister, the Second Minister, the Ministers with or without purse, the Under Secretaries. The EUROPEAN COMMISSION one for each Member States COMMISSIONERS FUNCTION exercise executive power (power to exercise laws); manage /implement EU policies and the budget; present bills to Parliament and the Council; strengthen European laws jointly with the Court of Justice represent EU at international level. Bruxelles plenary Strasbourg supplementary Composition: Commission President, the Commissioners. Each one is responsible for a Ministry ( area of experience) Each one is responsible for a Ministry ( area of experience) Administrative body of EU 25 Members in charge of the executive power to make political decision concrete
The ITALIAN PARLIAMENTThe EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT The COUNCIL Bicameral legislatureMost democratic institutionsMain decision making-body Lower House The CHAMBER of DEPUTIES Upper House The SENATE They are elected by UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE 630 Members315 Members by over 18 by over 25 over 40over 25 in charge for 5 years in charge for 5 years FUNCTION review the Constitution with constitutional laws. (The Chambers analyze and approve article by article) legislative function (to make laws) control the government operate and give it trust and address set up inquiry into subject of public interest. over 40over 25 EURO DEPUTIES Palazzo MONTECITORIO Palazzo MADAMA Strasbourg plenary and Bruxelles supplementary They are elected by UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE 732 Members in charge for 5 years FUNCTION egislate (consultation, cooperation procedure, conformity of opinion, co-decision procedure); amendments democratic supervision the power purse annual budget of EU (jointly with the Council and the Parliament) to make international agreements; opinions about the enlargement. COREPER and AMBASSADOR COUNCIL PRESIDENCY The GENERAL SECRETARIAT and the DEPUTY SECRETARY- GENERAL permanent representatives each Member States presides for six month who assists the presidency They defend and represent its national interest at EU level They promote legislative and political decision They prepare and ensure the smooth functioning of the Council's work at all levels Its meetings are attended by one minister from each of the EU’s national governments. FUNCTION pass European laws (jointly with the European Parliament) co-ordinate the broad economic; conclude international agreements; approve EU’s budget (jointly with the European Parliament ) develop EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), based on guidelines set by the European Council to co-ordinate co-operation between the national courts and police forces in criminal matters. Bruxelles
The ITALIAN CONSTITUTIONAL COURT The COURT of JUSTICE Supreme institution of the Italian Republic Juridical institution JUDGES Palazzo della CONSULTA in charge for 9 years 15 Members They are elected by: 1 / 3 President of Republic; 1 / 3 Parliament; 1 / 3 ordinary administrative supreme magistrature. They must have over 20 years of experience FUNCTION to judge about the laws and acts regularity controversy; to judge power conflicts between the state and the regions; to judge accusation to the republic president; to judge over controversies. Luxembourg one for each Member States 15 Members They are elected by Joint agreement to the highest judicial position in their home countries They must have over 20 years of experience JUDGES FUNCTION to check that all norms are observed in the same way in all country; power to settle legal disputes between EU Member States, EU institutions, business and individuals.