1 Allocation of Cross-Border Transmission Capacities European Electricity Regulatory Mini-Forum on congestion management, Central and Southern Europe Dr.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Allocation of Cross-Border Transmission Capacities European Electricity Regulatory Mini-Forum on congestion management, Central and Southern Europe Dr. Walter Steinmann, Director SFOE Swiss Federal Office of Energy Milan, 25th January 2005

2 Status quo in Switzerland Goal: comparable rules in Switzerland with Regulation 1228/2003 CH-TSO was founded. Will be in operation after examination of Competition Commission Draft for new legislation submitted by the Government towards the parliament in December 2004 Debate in Parliament has started in January New legislation may enter into force presumably as from 2006/2007.

3 Key elements of new law in Switzerland: Electricity supply act CH TSO Regulatory authoritiy (Electricity Commission) shall co-ordinate its activities with foreign regulatory authorities Distribute available capacities in the cross-border transmission network on the basis of standard market procedures such as auctions Network access: Network operators are obliged to grant TPA (households after five years)

4 Agreement EU - CH Goal: Level playing field for EU-Members and CH First discussions on an informal base in 2004 Subjects of a possible agreement are Cross-border trade (i.e. congestion management) Market access Safety standards Acceptance of Guarantees of Origine

5 Consult. Draft Parliament Fed. El. act Referen- dum? Parliament Suppy Act Referen- dum? in force In force Competition Law for TPA applicable Schedule