Tourism in Tajikistan
TT Governmental Committee on youth, sports and tourism under the government of Tajikistan Tourist organizations regulated by trade unions. Non-governmental Tajik association of tourism org(26 members) Regional association (Zerafshan, Pamir) Commercial Joint stock and private companies.
Main normative and legislative acts which regulates tourism in Tj Law “On tourism” President decree “On establishment National Tourism Company of Tajikistan” Tajikistan Governments Resolution: “on org activities of National Tourism Company of Tajikistan-”Tajik tourism” “On licensing of tourism activities in Tj and the compulsory payment for nature management. “On state program tourism development for in Tajikistan” “on approval of rules, types and visa procedures in Tajikistan”.
Projects connected to tourism development Aviation: Several projects are implementing on improvement of air communication and improvement of services at airports; Donors: EBRD, Government of Japan, Netherlands, France, UNDP Auto transportation: Improvement of transport infrastructure, construction and reconstruction of roads, construction of tunnels and bridges
Capacity building There are five universities which have tourism in Tajikistan Tajik State National University, Institute of Culture, University of Central Asia (Khorog) Non governmental training centres providing short term training for restaurants and hotels personnel management (Dushanbe Khorog Varzob).