Status of facility design Activities of the IPNS Nuclear/Particle Physics group Basic information for the working sessions Activities of Nuclear and Particle.


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Presentation transcript:

Status of facility design Activities of the IPNS Nuclear/Particle Physics group Basic information for the working sessions Activities of Nuclear and Particle Physics Group J. Imazato Facility construction team IPNS, KEK

Accelerator Complex

Physics at 50-GeV PS - Current guide for facility design - Nuclear & Particle physics with K, π, , , pbar, and other secondary beams –Hypernuclear Spectroscopy –Hyperon-nucleon scattering –Mesons in nuclear matter –Hadron spectroscopy –Kaon rare decays to measure CP parameters –Flavor mixing and other topics beyond the Standard Model –Neutrino oscillation experiment using Super-Kamiokande Nuclear physics with primary beams –Physics with polarized proton beams –High-density matter with heavy-ion beams

Experimental Hall (Phase 2)

K - (1.8 GeV/c) (K -,K + ), S=-2 K + (0.8 GeV/c) K + rare decay K - (1.1 GeV/c) (K -,π - ), S=-1 Aim for secondary beam intensity

Phase 1 and Phase 2 Neutrino to SK Nuclear/Particle Facility

Experimental Hall (Phase 1)

Construction time schedule (Phase 1)

Construction team -- Hadron hall/facility group -- Hadron beam line group -- Target/monitor group -- Neutrino facility group -- Engineering/technology group -- Cryogenics group -- Online/electronics group -- Common support group About 80 physicists from IPNS and other KEK divisions are involved in the construction team. Nuclear/particle physics group

Activities of subgroups Hadron hall/facility group –Basic design of the experiment hall –Basic design of utilities –Radiation safety issues Hadron bam line group –Primary line design and construction –Secondary line construction –Development of beamline elements Target/monitor group –Development of a K- hall and targets –Development of beam monitors Neutrino facility group –Construction of a SC proton beam line –Design of a target station –Construction of a forward detector

R&D items High Intensity beam –Water-cooling rotating target –Water-cooling beam dump –Primary beam monitor High Radiation environment –Radiation-hard magnet and other elements –Remote-handling system (method of maintenance) –Effective radiation shielding –Control of air flow

Restriction from high activation and rigid shielding It will be not easy to change beam line layout in the future. –needs careful design of beam lines –needs careful selection of an experimental program Future projects have to secure a beam extraction port from the beginning. –High intensity muon facility –pbar beam (not yet considered in detail !)

International Cooperation Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility will be open to the world. “ JHF ” aims for an international research center. Participation in the facility construction is welcome. –Beam line construction –Development of the target etc. Contribution to detector construction is welcome.

Preparation of Detectors No budget at all for experiments 1.We will make an effort to find budgets. 2.Contributions by user groups (domestic and international) are awaited. 3.Recycling of spectrometers currently used at the 12-GeV PS – SKS, TOROIDAL, SPES-II, SPES-I, …..

– Experiment program coordination The scheme during the construction phase is now under discussion. Probably: Director Nuclear/Particle Physics Facility committee Letter of Intent, Proposal Selection experiments Decision of beam line priority Users committee

Summary We will try our best to complete an advanced facility. The phase-1 facility should be extended to Phase-2 any time. Good experimental proposals are awaited. We look forward to the outcome of this workshop. International cooperation also in the construction phase is welcome.