Josha Harvey
Has been defined by Barrows and Jacobs as “the imaginative capacity of the mind to affect one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual state” (Young & Koopsen, 2011). Related to hypnosis (Young & Koopsen, 2011).
What is the impact of guided imagery as a nursing intervention in the management of pain and chronic pain?
20 children, ages 6-11 years old Quasi-experimental interrupted design Diaries to record pain perception and guided imagery sessions (Dobson & Byrne, 2014)
Reported average of 5.6 pain episodes per month before guided imagery and 2.5 pain episodes after More children used no pain medications during post-intervention month than during month before guided imagery Only medication used was ibuprofen (Dobson & Byrne, 2014)
Population: 26 hospitalized patients ranging from yrs. Method: two day crossover design followed by post interview Technique: 15 minute recording (Kwekkeboom, et. Al, 2008)
Pain relief found in two thirds of participants (62%). Three participants reported guided imagery not working for them (Kwekkeboom, et. Al, 2008)
Population: 30 women, greater than 55 yrs. Method: two-group longitudinal randomized- assignment experimental design Intervention technique: 12 minute audio tape twice a day for four months (Baird, et. Al, 2010)
Decreased pain of 2.33 on 0-20 scale Decrease in analgesics taken per day by 1.54 from baseline (Baird, et. al, 2010).
Why might guided imagery work for some and not others? Patient perception
Guided imagery training for staff Advocate to include in treatment plan (Dobson & Byrne, 2014)
On site training resources Document in medical record (Dobson & Byrne, 2014)
Using guided imagery on the mental health unit by incorporating it into group therapy Guided imagery in future positions
Baird, C.L., Murawski, M. M., & Wu, J. (2010). Efficacy of guided imagery with relaxation for osteoarthritis symptoms and medication intake. Pain Management Nursing, 11(1), doi: /j.pmn Dobson, C. E. & Byrne, M. W. (2014). Original research: Using guided imagery to manage pain in young children with sickle cell disease. American Journal of Nursing, 114(4), Doi: /01.NAJ a Kwekkeboom, K.L, Hau, H., Wanta, B., & Bumpus, M. (2008). Patients’ perceptions of the effectiveness of guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation techniques used for cancer pain. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 14(3), Doi: /j.ctcp Young, C. & Koopsen, C. (2011). Spirituality, health, and healing (2ne ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.