Parachute tests! Miss Laverty 2012
March 14 th, 2012 Instructions 1)If you forgot your parachute please go get it 2)Set your materials on your desk and show me you are ready Today’s Activities Parachute construction Parachute test Parachute EGG test Questions Simon says Title Pages
Parachute Construction Continue working on your parachute If you are done your parachute answer the questions in your work book Work on title page while the others finish
Parachute Test Above the stage in the gym Half of the students at a time will test We will take the two slowest parachutes and compare them to choose who will get to do the EGG test!
Questions Answer the questions on the bottom of yesterday’s worksheet
Title Pages Air is fluid and can be compressed Air has mass and exerts pressure Air is composed of different gases Bernoulli’s principle Lift must overcome gravity