Generating Model Input with GIS zThe key elements for creating appropriate model inputs for rainfall- runoff models: Input parameter requirements Available data sources GIS tools & functions Data formatting for model entry
Input data requirements for TR-55 zWatershed location zLand cover/land use zSoils – hydro group zTime of concentration Watershed length Watershed land slope Flow type(s) (sheet flow, overland, channel) Manning’s n Channel info Channel dimensions Stream velocity zStream reach data Length Manning’s n Slope Channel dimensions zStructure data Stormwater pond dimensions Outlet characteristics
Default parameters for TR-55 zPrecipitation data (set rainfall returns) zSet event duration (24 hrs) zRainfall distribution zUnit hydrograph zCurve numbers by land use >>>Are these values or settings appropriate for my location???
Available data sources zUVM GIS storage: \\zoofiles\gisdata zVermont Center for Geographic Information zVermont Mapping program (ortho and aerial photos) zUVM Map library zVarious national agencies/data sources: USGS, NWI, Census/TIGER, etc National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse zResources constantly changing, improving, growing!
GIS tools & functions zGeographic extent Selecting data Exporting new data sets Clipping zData projections zJoining/merging data zConversion tools Vector to raster, raster to shape files, etc. zRaster calculations Reclassify Simple math functions Tabulate areas zArc Hydro capabilities Watershed delineation Flow paths Slopes
Data formatting for model input zSpecific file formats or structure ASCII .dbf Grid layers zManual entry (TR-55) zProper units !