f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Fermilab/Boeing Test Results for HiSTE-VI Don Lincoln Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Analysis: Gain and Yield Gain determined by separation between peaks 13 ADC counts per femtocoulomb Typical Gain Yield (pe.) N PE = (Average -Pedestal)/Gain same voltage)
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Analysis: Threshold VLPCs at operating temperature (9 K) VLPCs at operating voltage ( V) Pedestal run taken Large 0-pe peak, much smaller 1-pe peak Threshold set at 50kHz (Typically pe) 99.5% ADC Counts
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Analysis: Efficiency N MIP,the number of photoelectrons expected from a minimum ionizing particle in the DØ fiber tracker: N MIP = N PE x9/2 u 9 photoelectrons observed in the prototype of the DØ tracker in a cosmic ray test u 2 is the number of photoelectrons in this setup, in the reference VLPC chip Efficiency is the probability that the signal, which is assumed to have Poisson distribution with mean, N MIP, is greater than the threshold
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Acceptance Criteria Data taken at several values of the bias voltage in steps of 0.2 V Operating bias: average of pixels’ efficiency is a maximum (not Quantum Efficiency) Chip accepted if at the operating voltage u The efficiency of each pixel greater than 0.99 u The gains of all pixels similar
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Analysis Technique: Summary Set background photoelectron rate (20 MHz) Set signal rate ( Hz) Find threshold (0.5% noise rate, 100 ns gate [0.35% in DØ]) Find gain (typically (or 80 LeCroy 2249 ADC counts per photoelectron)) Find photoelectron yield Determine quantum efficiency (typically 0 MHz) Determine DØ single fiber trigger efficiency (assume 9 pe/mip) Vary voltage to maximize triggering efficiency
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f VLPCs for DØ VLPC’s manufactured in two distinct cycles u First 1/3 (700 series) u Then 2/3 (1100 series) needed including 10% spares tested at 20 MHz accepted u Yield: 87% u Failed chip recovery attempted. 0 MHz results u 382 chips
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Count Summary Tested: Accepted: Retested: 2250 (Some failed, some never tested) Accepted #2: 1150 (50%) (typically lower gain)
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Recoverable Failure Modes ‘Hot’ cryostats Known bad channels (in test stand) Boeing Fermi
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Efficiency, Bias Voltage Efficiency much higher than the required minimum 0.99 Operating Bias Voltage ranges from 5.8 V to 8.0 V V V
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Gain (in Thousands) Frequency Gain Gains (in thousands) Range from to Gain dispersion of the pixels within one chip About 1.5 %
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Recovered Chips Recovered chips tended to have lower gain
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Threshold Thresholds for 50 kHz dark count rate Range from 1.2 to 1.8 pe RMS of threshold dispersion of the pixels within one chip About 0.03 pe
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Threshold Thresholds in fC (gain) X (threshold pe) Range from 5 fC to 15 fC
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Quantum Efficiency and Threshold Algorithm selects voltage where noise begins to grow, not at maximum Quantum Efficiency Proper Normalization: 77% 20MHz, 71% 0MHz at optimum voltage
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Quantum Efficiency Absolute QE for Calibration Chips Problematic Initial Operating Voltages for Calibration Chips Chosen for Noise Characteristics at 0 MHz
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Quantum Efficiency Absolute QE determined for few Calibration Chips (735-21) At 9K, 7.0 V, was determined to be 81.7% (J13, I11, H12) (81.6,85.3,78.3) (systematic error on each ±6%)
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Qualitative Threshold Noise grows very quickly, once a voltage threshold is exceeded.
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Gain Behavior Gain poorly correlated with voltage, but relative gain extremely correlated. RMS 1.9%
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Temperature Behavior Temperature affects response. All plots normalized to signal at 9 K (nominal operating temperature).
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Linearity at 0 MHz Background VLPC’s are linear to <10% for Equivalent PE ~600 (~750 photons) Slight gain dependence, although gain is only tangentially related. Linearity independent of voltage (limited checking). Response of High Gain VLPC E+001.E+011.E+021.E+031.E+041.E+05 Equivalent Photoelectrons = QE(for one pe) * photons Integrated Charge (Arbitrary Units) measured linear reference Gain ~ Gain ~ Normalization Point Measurement Artifact
f Don Lincoln, Fermilab f Summary Test yield 87%, higher than anticipated, 93% after recovery Chips need to be sorted because of the spread in the bias voltage and threshold u One bias per 8 VLPC chips in DØ detector u One threshold per 8 VLPC chips in the DØ trigger electronics All pixels belonging to one chip have nearly identical efficiencies, gains, and thresholds Operating phase space complex u Voltage, Gain, Threshold, Efficiency, Temperature, Rate We will make calibration runs to adjust operating voltage and thresholds to the actual background seen in the experiment