Foundation Programmes and Beyond: August 2006 Dan Higman MS FRCS Clinical Tutor UHCW Associate Dean MMC Coventry & Warwickshire
Career Structure in Medicine Consultant / General Practitioner Specialist Trainee / GP Registrar (4 – 7 years) (3 years) Foundation Doctor (2 years) Medical Student
Foundation Programmes 2 year programme, bridging medical school and specialist training Organised into Foundation Schools Five Foundation Schools in W Midlands Coventry & Warwickshire School August 2006 has 84 F1 and >84 F2 posts
Foundation Year 1 ( a.k.a. PRHO, F1, FY1, House officer/dog/plant) 3 x 4 month rotations All rotations contain general medicine and general surgery (4 months each) + one other C&W Foundation School F1 posts rotate between UHCW, GEH and SWGH (not all three!) Semester based common teaching programme across School No study leave time or money, except ALS
Assessments during F1 Portfolio-based assessment programme Required elements for GMC registration: 1.70% teaching attendance 2.Satis. 0,2 and 4 month appraisals in each post degree appraisal x 1 4.Mini CEX (observed clinical encounter) x 4 5.Case-based discussion x 8 6.Direct-observed procedural skill x 4 7.Audit Project
Foundation Year 2 All F1’s completing GMC registration are guaranteed an F2 post in the same Foundation School (but which one?) F2 post in another Foundation School will depend on availability and competitive application
Foundation Year 2 All rotations are 3 x 4 months All contain 4 months acute medicine 50% of rotations will include 4 month general practice Strong common Generic Skills Programme PGA in Professional Skills Warwick Uni.
Foundation Year 2 Rotations August 2005: 66 posts ITU (w) / Orthopaedics (c&w) / Rehabilitation Medicine (w) ITU (w) / Acute Medicine (w) / Haematology (g) ITU (w) / A+E (g) / Neurology (w) ITU (w) / A+E (s) / Orthopaedics (s) A+E (w) / Orthopaedics (c&w) / General Practice A+E (w) / Orthopaedics (c&w) / Rehabilitation Medicine (w) A+E (w) / Orthopaedics (c&w) / Surgery (w) A+E (w) / Surgery (w) / Respiratory Medicine (w) A+E (w) / Respiratory Medicine (w) / Medical Microbiology (w) A+E (w) / Acute Medicine (w) / Medical Microbiology (g) A+E (w) / Obstetrics & Gynaecology (w) / Genitourinary Medicine (g) A+E (w) / Obstetrics & Gynaecology (w) / Palliative Care Medicine (g) A+E (w) / Gastroenterology (w) / Medicine & Clinical Pharmacology (w) A+E (g) / Surgery (g) / Histopathology (w) Acute Medicine (w) / Psychiatry (w) / Public Health Medicine (g) Cardiology (w) / Psychiatry (w) / Public Health Medicine (cov) Acute Medicine & Cardiology (w) / Geriatric Medicine (w) / Public Health Medicine (cov) Acute Medicine (w) / Orthopaedics (c&w) / Rehabilitation Medicine (w) Acute Medicine (g) / Psychiatry (g) / General Practice Acute Medicine (g) / Psychiatry (r) / Oncology & Palliative Care (w) Acute Medicine & Gastroenterology (w) / Psychiatry (g) / Geriatric Medicine (g) Academic Medicine (w) / Research (w) / Cardiology (w)
Academic Posts August 2006 F1 posts: (current BMJ) 2 rotations:each 3 x 4 months each include surgery & med Each has academic mentor (ortho & med) F2 posts: 3 rotations: each 3 x 4 months Contain 4 month research period (ortho, medicine, general practice)
Applying to F2 posts within Foundation School No interviews No application form or personal statement Submit rotation preferences (1-8?) and portfolio Portfolios graded according to assessments Rotation offers made In 2005: 56% got first choice rotation 97% got one of first 3 choices
Some issues raised regarding applications ‘personal’ reasons for changing Deaneries encompass health issues, carer responsibilties and research opportunities Base Deanery is W Midlands – can be changed with permission from Med Sch & Deanery First Post must be Base Deanery. 20 of the 40 must be Base Deanery (e.g. 1, 21-40) Max of 2 MDAP Deaneries per application
Some issues raised regarding applications First choice Foundation School grades application Candidate is identified by Medical School only, so academic criteria (not record) can be checked Referees checked by Trust once selection made Pay banding at F1 generally 2B / 1A Pay banding at F2 varies from none to 2B Trusts may change banding according to rotas and monitoring results
Some issues raised regarding applications Remember Warwick students are at a clear advantage when applying for any post in any Deanery because Warwick produces the most outstanding junior doctors in the country. Any Questions?