Cabin Fever! Candace Adamson
I would be living in Jamaica When I’m twenty one I’m moving to Jamaica so I can see the other side of my family.
Scenery My pond would attract a lot of animals which would be great for scenery!!
Interiors This is the kind of log cabin kitchen that I would want because it is spacious and cozy at the same time.
My living Room Interior
Accessories in the home I would have an inside pool a pool table and an inside bar to have parties in the summer!!!
My Pool Table
This would be my Pool down stairs
This would be My inside bar so I didn’t have to drink and drive.
My horse Ranch I actually work at A horse ranch in Allegan This Is me on a horse
Stables My stable would hold up to 30 horses and ponies so I could teach other kids to ride
My cars
These are my maids in the house!
The End This would definitely be my dream house in a couple of years.