Discussion Slides S.E. Kruger, J.D. Callen, J. Carlson, C.C. Hegna, E.D. Held, T. Jenkins, J. Ramos, D.D. Schnack, C.R. Sovinec, D.A. Spong ORNL SWIM Meet October 15, 2007
Discussion Issues Formulation issues Computational issues Applied math issues (esp. numerical accuracy) Computer science problems (esp. MxN problem) Longer term issues
Formulation questions Fundamental equation is: What is the best way of formulating the problem? Lots of discussion
Issues of time dependence impact computer science coupling to be discussed next What is the temporal dependence of the source? For the plasma parameters that we are studying: Slowing down time is ~100msec-1 sec? Mod-B changes slow and small MHD time scales: NIMROD time step ~ 1 A ~1E-7 sec Tearing mode growth rate ~ msec Total simulation time ~ 100 msec
Possibilities for coupling include minimal coupling to full coupling Assume F rf is ~constant in shape over simulation time Coupling procedure: Calculate F rf (x) from same equilibrium file that NIMROD uses NIMROD reads F rf (x) and uses it like phenomenological sources (include such time dependence as phasing) Assume F rf is much slower than NIMROD time step Need to calculate source as NIMROD runs, but do not need to do it every time step More difficult case: Calculate F rf at every time step Propose: Start with first step, dump n=0 fields as simulation advances, perform ray tracing on it, see how F rf (x,t) changes in time
Fluid Processors Processor Elements Computer Science Issues for Full Scale Coupling Require a Solution to the MxN problem Need to give fields (B,n,T) on multiple processors to ray tracing code in format that it understands Possible solutions: File based: Unlikely to work for anything but the loosest coupling MPI-based that is hand-coded: Very doable (see next slide) MCT or other parallel coupling toolkit package Overkill for this problem, but for long term gains? Ray Tracing (Assumed serial)
Fluid Processors Closure Processors Fluid Processors Closure Processors Processor Elements NIMROD already has solution for MxN problem for CEL closures Recall for of CEL closure: Each integration is independent -- trivially parallizable Difficulties are in load balancing as related to temporal advance Exact same coding can be used to do ECCD ray tracing
Implementation Details What codes are we coupling? NIMROD GENRAY? Does it handle island geometry? Should we write one from scratch using the CEL machinery?
Numerical issues for closure Synchronization/numerical stability issues Closure relation used in MHD code at time t, but based on field data from t - t (or earlier) Is it adequate to only update closure relation at every N (>1) timesteps rather than every time step? Computational readiness issues Data connections/interfaces need to be developed between MHD code and closure relation code and vice versa Feasibility of calculating closure relations in real-time with time-evolving MHD code vs. computing closure relation offline for a few “typical” NTM cases and fitting to a model Island detection and separatrix tracking Could save time by allowing closure relation calculations to focus only on regions interior to islands rather than entire plasma volume Issues specific to collisional particle models Need to run finite time interval to get beyond startup transient => collisional quasi-equilibrium Need to test warm restarts from previous time step Noise reduction/filtering/smoothing methods (GLRA SVD, spline fit) required in going from discrete particle data back to MHD equations Form of closure relation Provide viscosity (stress) tensor - maintains consistency with flow velocities from MHD model “Black box” closure relation - only supplies pressure tensor - possibly consistent with MHD flows after many time steps, but not at a detailed level
Longer term issues ITER has more than ECCD Lower hybrid CD and Ion Cyclotron CD Lower Hybrid LHCD produces a long tail on electrons. What to do for closure consistency? ICRF Moment approach definitely not OK Hot particle closure would work (?) Lots of overlap with the energetic particle SciDAC here Can they handle island geometry? Our goal should be for full ITER simulation capability, but lots of details are buried here Need improved Fokker-Planck codes Sensitivity to hot particle distribution functions (ref. Diego’s work) MxN issues between full-wave codes and MHD codes Island effects in full wave codes?
Near term issues Let’s get F rf (x) from a ray tracing code ASAP What code we use? Where do we get Q nl ?