Welcome to the MTLC MATH 112 Fall 2009
MTLC Information Hours of Operation Sunday:4:00pm – 10:00pm Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 10:00pm Friday:8:00am – 5:00pm Closings Labor Day: Sunday 9/6 and Monday 9/7 Fall Break: will close Wed. 10/7 at 10pm and will re-open at 8am on Monday 10/12. Thanksgiving: will close Tue. 11/24 at 5pm and will re-open at 8am on Monday 11/30. Phone Number: 348 – 2592 Website: Please put your instructor’s name in the subject box for .
Course Requirements Prerequisites Grade of C– or better in Math 100 Minimum of 310 (31) on the placement test Every student must have an active “crimson” e- mail account for computer/course login. Every new student must have a Mylabsplus access code.
Textbook and access code Textbook - Precalculus, 3 rd edition by Beecher, Penna, and Bittinger, published by Addison Wesley. This course is a computer based course. All assignments for this course will accessed through a publisher’s website. ( An access code will be necessary to complete your assignments. No work can be completed until you have entered an access code into your account.
Access Codes Access codes may be purchased with or without a printed version of the textbook. You may purchase the code with the textbook at any of the bookstores in town. You may purchase the code without a printed version of the book either at one of the bookstores in town or online on the mylabsenterprise website set up for your specific math course. You may purchase the access code online using a Visa. Again, no work can be completed until you have entered your access code into your account.
Access Codes - Repeating Students If you are repeating the course, then you should be able to log in to the new course by automatically re-activating your previous access code. If you have any trouble, then be sure to come to the MTLC for assistance. Again, you are responsible for checking prior to the first deadline in the syllabus.
Alabama Skills Assessment When you login to MyLabsPlus you will see two links: Math112_Smith_Math112_01 Alabama Skills Assessment MATH 112 Smith BEFORE beginning your work in your class, click the Alabama Skills Assessment link, click the Placement button on the left of the screen, and take a brief skills assessment. Important assessment tool for us Will NOT hurt your grade in the course, could help it PLEASE take it seriously
Calculator Only the calculator on the computer is allowed in this course. No other calculators are allowed during testing. It is the student’s responsibility to learn how to operate the computer calculator before testing.
Course Grades Possible grades in this course are A, B, C (+/-) or NC. A grade of NC means you receive no credit for this course. You must take the course again, but an NC does not affect your GPA. The last day to withdraw from the course is Wednesday, October 28 th. No withdrawals will be given after this date.
Course Grades 4 tests (100 points each) 400 pts Final Exam 300 pt Quiz average (41 points each test period) 156 pts Homework average (17 points each test period) 68 pts Class Meetings (2 points for each week)30 pts Lab Attendance (3 points for each week)45 pts Lab Survey 2 pts TOTAL 1001 pts You must have 700 pts. to pass Math 112
Quizzes & Homework There will be homework assignments for each section and they will be graded. Multiple attempts are allowed on homework. Be sure to click on the “Submit Work” button when you are ready to record your homework score. You may submit homework before the assignment is finished and return to it later. There will be a quiz given after each section. Click on the “Submit Test” button when ready for your quiz score to be recorded. Only one attempt will be given on quizzes, so please be prepared and ready to do well! You will be allowed to drop one lowest homework grade and one lowest quiz grade each test period. If homework or quizzes are missed due to a serious, verifiable circumstance, then make-up work may be allowed. Any student requesting to make up work must fill out a petition request form in 345 Gordon Palmer with an excuse and supporting documents attached.
Homework and Quizzes 80% and above average on homework and quiz Below 80% average on homework and quiz A %A00.0% B %B475.6% C %C % NC6810.5%NC % Avg.80.6 Avg.50.9 Passing 89.50%Passing 30.40%
Working at Home Students can do homework from home by downloading all of the necessary plug-ins. Web page: Use the installation wizard in the software. Be sure to check for ALL components and install all necessary plug-ins. Tests must be completed in the MTLC. Homework and quizzes may be completed at home. However, if grades are not successfully sent from home for any reason, you will not be able to retry the work after the deadline has passed. If you work from home, there is a risk your grades may not be properly saved. NOTE: Macs do work for Math 112 but the installation is a little more difficult. Follow the instructions carefully on the installation wizard. Ask for help in the lab if needed.
Replacement Policy Everyone will be allowed to replace his or her lowest test grade with the grade made on the final exam. Zero grades due to unexcused absences or academic misconduct will not be replaced. If a test is missed due to a serious, verifiable circumstance, the zero test grade will also be replaced with the final exam grade, but only if a petition request form is filed within 2 days at Room 345 Gordon Palmer and if the petition request panel approves the excuse.
Class Attendance Every student is required to come to the classroom/lab at the scheduled class time on the following days: Wed. 8/19 and Fri. 8/21 for Mon/Wed/Fri classes Thursday 8/20 for Tue./Thur. classes Mon/Wed/Fri classes will not meet on Monday 9/7 (Labor Day) After the first week of class, every student is required to attend a class meeting on Monday(MWF) or Tuesday(TR) of each week and sign the roll. Class meetings will be held at the scheduled class time in the classroom indicated on your class schedule. Each class meeting is worth 2 points for its entirety.
Class Attendance 3 or fewer absences4 or more absences A %A131.3% B %B % C %C % NC5612.0%NC % Avg 81%Avg 56% Passing 80.30%Passing 35.20%
Lab Hours Students need to spend a minimum of 3 hours a week in the MTLC doing work. Time spent working on the computer, attending help sessions, or taking tests will count toward this requirement. BE SURE TO SWIPE YOUR ACT CARD WHEN ENTERING AND EXITING THE LAB. Students will earn 3 points a week toward the lab attendance grade for meeting this requirement. If you score a 70% or higher on each assigned Homework and Quiz for that given week, then you will automatically receive the 3 Lab attendance points for that week.
Lab Hours Student 1 will receive his lab attendance points for the week. Student 2 must spend three hours in the lab to receive full lab attendance points for the week. NOTE: While a missed assignment MAY NOT hurt your average, it WILL prevent you from automatically earning lab attendance points for that week. Student 1Student 2 HWQuizHWQuiz Section Section Section
Lab Attendance Points Partial points can be earned on lab attendance as a linear function of time: 3:00 hours3 points 2:00 hours2 points 1:00 hour1 point Less than 1 hour0 points Every time you enter or exit the MTLC lab the monitor will swipe your ID card even if you exit for a short time. Anyone caught swiping another student’s ID will be charged with academic misconduct.
Syllabus Quiz The Syllabus quiz must be taken (by the deadline) and contains questions about the syllabus. You may take this quiz (and only this quiz) as many times as you like, and you may have your syllabus with you when you take it. The purpose of the quiz is to make sure that you understand the policies set out in the syllabus should it become necessary to refer to them later, so take this quiz very seriously.
Acknowledgement Form An acknowledgment form stating that you have read the syllabus and understand the policies set by this course must be completed in the software before you will be allowed to begin any assignments. In the software, select the Test 1 Work, then select the Orientation link, then select the Acknowledgement Form to complete this requirement.
Prep Work Assignment Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 8.1 will not be part of the Math 112 curriculum and lectures. However, these sections are very important in your success of this course! These sections will make up a single 50 problem homework assignment that will be due on Wed., 8/26 (MWF). Do not put it off, begin right away. Take this assignment very seriously as it will be weighed far more heavily than a normal homework assignment.
MyLabsPlus Login Your software user name will be the prefix to your full bama account name, and your password will be your 8-digit campus-wide ID. Example Username: Password:
Logging into the Software
Getting Started After logging into the system and selecting your course from the course list: Install the plug-ins on your own computer if necessary using the installation wizard found on the screen on the right. Read the announcements, then click on the Test 1 Work tab. Select Acknowledgement form link. You will now be prompted for your access code. All information from today’s orientation can also be found in the link for orientation.
Basic look of the Software
Homework, Quizzes, Videos, and Text
Need Extra Help The MTLC is open 71 hours each week for help. Center for Teaching and Learning(CTL) CTL offers weekly help sessions. Please take a card for future reference of weekly days & times. CTL website: Free personal tutorial appointments are available at the CTL in Osband Hall. Call to schedule an appointment.
Before we meet next time… Buy your access code (with or without your textbook). You must have this to begin working! Make sure to do the Alabama Skills Assessment Test prior to Monday, 8AM. Start working right away on the Prep Work assignment.
Final thoughts We are looking forward to your success in this course. Know that this is not an easy course, you will have to work hard the entire semester. Get help when needed. We are here for that purpose. Good Luck!