Past Perfect Continuous Form had + been + verb-ing Write the past perfect continuous form for these verbs: payhelptalkkiss Had been paying had been helping Had been talking had been kissing
Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous is used for the duration of a single action before another action in the past. It was interrupted by the second action. Ex. Jia had been doing well in ESL 123 until she met her new boyfriend. What had you been doing when your friend dropped by your home?
Past Continuous is sometimes used instead of past perfect continuous. Past continuous often continues after the simple past action. Ex. Yone had been talking with his girlfriend when the bell rang. Yone was talking with his girlfriend when the bell rang. What is the difference?
The past perfect continuous can also indicate the repetition of an action before another time in the past. Ma dropped ESL 123 because Vicki hadn’t been teaching it very well. Ma dropped ESL 123 because Vicki wasn’t teaching it very well. What is the difference?
Use past perfect continuous for the above 2 reasons when we know the length of the action or when the action began. We use for or since. Annie had been taking flying lessons since January. (when she almost fell out of the plane) How long had you been studying English when you arrived at Ohlone?
Past perfect continuous is not used with a specific amount or a specific number of times. Instead we use past perfect. He said Rachel had been losing a lot of weight. He said Rachel had lost 20 pounds. Make 1 past perfect continuous and 1 past perfect sentence using: make money make $ She said she had been making a lot of money. She said she had made
Use past perfect continuous in indirect speech when the direct quote is in past continuous. “Sikander wasn’t playing very well”, he said. He said Sikander hadn’t been playing very well. Do not use past perfect continuous or past continuous with non-action verbs.
Partner Work: Picture Puzzle p Rap It Up p. 85 How I Changed My Life, pages Rap It Up p. 95 Homework: P Story Line p. 91 answer questions 1-10