Fisher Associates Presents… presents…
Full Heart Leadership, A Program for Mastery A Program on Mastery
Welcome. Full Heart Leadership You are invited to an interactive leadership journey with me. Many of us reach a place in our lives where we feel fulfilled; and yet, we know there is more… Many successful leaders say, “There’s got to be more than this!” David Fisher
How can we embrace our work life and our personal life without sacrificing one for the other? Recall a time when you put your full heart into something… What did it feel like afterwards? Expressing your full heart promotes and fosters mastery of leadership. This is the purpose of our program. Full Heart Leadership
BENEFITS Increased personal satisfaction and effectiveness. Increased business leadership vision, a breakthrough in bottom line results, and more leaders being developed in the process. A heightened ability to generate leadership principles, strategy and execution throughout the organization. Full Heart Leadership
A three-dimensional program that incorporates years of experience in the field of Leadership. Study and practice the principles that have worked for other successful executives who meet budgets, revenue goals, and play for high stakes. Discover the basic principles of Transformation. Full Heart Leadership
Full Heart Leadership is a program that integrates three dimensions of life and leaves you fully realizing and expressing your highest levels of LEADERSHIP. KNOW MYSELF LAUNCH MYSELF DEVELOP MYSELF
Full Heart Leadership Each of the 3 Dimensions contains subject matter to: Explore in depth. Practice. Apply to your everyday life.
The Know Myself Dashboard Heart Self Emotional Self Thoughtful Self Physical Self Spiritual Self KNOW MYSELF The five aspects:
Study emotional self Study observing reactions Study my integral world DEVELOP MYSELF The Wellbeing Dashboard
Time bending: get more done Integral leadership: 7 Principals of Mastery Engagement: Be 100% Present LAUNCH MYSELF The Integral Leader Dashboard
Full Heart Leadership HOW WE WORK Using Webcams and Voice-Over Internet Technology (Skype), your mentor and you will be part of small group, interactive sessions. You can participate from the privacy of your office, home, or a hotel room.
Full Heart Leadership, A Program for Mastery A Program on Mastery
Fisher Associates Presents… (415)