Welcome to Third Grade Informational Parent Night Welcome to First Grade Informational Parent Night
Hassler’s goal is for the students to become an active community of learners. The students will work together cooperatively, and individually, in improving skills in reading, writing, mathematics, science discovery, social studies and character building. We look forward to the exciting year of growth educationally and collaboratively! Learn, Grow, Celebrate!
Policies Visiting your child – Please enter through the front door and stop at the front office. Obtain a visitor’s sticker and place it where it can be VISIBLE by any staff member. Visit the location your sticker states only. If you need to visit a new location, a new sticker must be obtained from the front office. Thank you in advance for your help with this matter; this procedure helps ensure the safety of every child.
Special Occasions – Food items must be approved prior to celebration. Items may be purchased through the cafeteria. Please let your teacher know in advance when and what item you plan to purchase. *PTO will provide holiday snacks and a gift.
Tuesday Folders will come home most weeks on Tuesday and should be signed and returned on Wednesday. Occasionally due to a holiday or illness, the folder will go home on a Wednesday and returned on Thursday. This folder will contain the work your child has done through the previous week. It also will notify you of any successes, academic grades below a 70 and/or behavior concerns. Tuesday Folders
Homework Homework will be assigned Monday- Thursday. In the purple homework folder, a weekly calendar and all homework will be stapled. A book in a bag will also begin coming home in the folder to practice. It is beneficial to let the child first use his or her own thinking. Encourage and help them use problem-solving strategies until they discover the correct answer. The faster misconceptions are cleared, the faster your child will be successful with the concepts. Checking their work with them is beneficial.
Grades Major assessments – 50% Retakes – A student who scores below 70% on a major campus assessments may take a retest (usually occurs before school). The higher of the two scores will be taken, but not to exceed 70%. Benchmarks – There will be no retakes on any district benchmarks or common assessments. Benchmarks do not go home. Please schedule with your teacher to see your child’s test. Minor assessments – 50% Students who fail minor tasks will receive extra instruction in the subject area, but the original grade will not be replaced. Based on a campus decision, no extra credit will be given. You may also view your child’s grades online.
Grades Grades come from several sources including rubrics, practice handouts, benchmarks, campus assessments, e- Instruction, campus/district software programs, oral reading, and participation. Progress reports are sent home in the 4 th week of a nine week period. This is to update you on your child’s grades. You may also log into Parent Connection at any time to review your child’s grades.
See Your Child’s Grades
Parent Connect Login Page
School and teacher web pages give you access to important dates, information and resources. You can see your child’s weekly schedule (remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days), weekly curriculum content and links to useful interactive sites. Teacher Web Pages
Navigating For Resources visit
Navigating For Resources visit
Instruction Instruction will take place in large group and small group settings. Large group instruction will take place daily modeling, practicing and applying grade level skills. Small group instruction will be individualized to work at each child’s level to make sure they are being challenged appropriately. * Note: Math and Social Studies textbooks are consumables. They are your child’s responsibility.
Word Wall Word Wall Words will come home each Monday in the black and white composition book. Read each week’s Word Wall Words until your child is fluent and can read each word with ease. A Word Wall minor activity will be given on Thursdays. A Word Wall/Word Work/Reading comprehension assessment will be given on Fridays.
Pony Reading Has Begun! Your book in a bag reading counts! Help your child record his/her reading minutes and earn prizes and a party!
Behavior Plan We will consistently reinforce positive character traits with praise and rewards while still setting firm boundaries. We try to use as much positive reinforcement as possible with your child along with the rules to make the classroom a safe and nurturing place. In keeping with this, any action that can harm a child in any way will result in an immediate trip to the office by any child involved.
Positive Ponies We try to use as much positive reinforcement as possible with your child along with the rules to make the classroom a safe and nurturing place. Class jars – When the whole class is giving their best, an item is placed in a jar. When the jar is full the class gets a party, a prize, or extra recess. Tickets – Individuals earn tickets for showing positive character traits such as; responsibility, respect, initiative, commitment or integrity. Student can use these tickets to purchase items in the classroom store. Cubes – Individuals earn cubes to earn free exploration time at the end of each day.
Thank you for coming!