Why is time and place important? By Phuong Vu
Introduction Why is time and place important? Because it affect my life, people and everyone’s life. If I was born in a different time, I would have different friends, or even study in a different school! And if I was living in a different place, I would have different culture, customs, and maybe nationality. In this presentation I would like to speak about my mom.
Family History Because my family origin was from Hanoi. My grand parents moved in to HCMC because of the war. My mother is a teacher, and my dad is a building constructor. I was born at HCMC, as well as my siblings. My mom married my dad since 1987 My family moved in to HCMC since 1975
My Family Picture
My family journey
Question interviewed my mom Where were you born? At Hanoi. Where did you studied for University? Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), Russia. Why did you move into HCMC? The family moved in because of the war. Who is the person that influence your life the most? A teacher in University. What are the significant events that happened in your life? Went to University at Russia in 1978
Why did you decided stay back in HCMC? Because I studied here, and I got a job here. When did you move into HCMC? In 1975 Do you want to go back where you came from? Yes, I did in the past, but no more. How did you feel when first move into HCMC? I felt uncomfortable, because HCMC was noisy and different.
Time lines Born in 1998 First go to kindergarten 2001 Started Primary school 2004 Finish Primary school 2009 In Year Born in 1959 Go to University at Russia (Soviet Republics) 1978 Finish University 1984 Born our brother 1988 Born us in 1998 My Mom’s Mine