Research Strategy: New-Construction Manufactured Home Measures Research and Evaluation Subcommittee Josh Rushton November 19, 2015
Overview Today’s focus is the proposed Research Strategy for two new-construction MH measures: ENERGY STAR (NEEM 1.1) EcoRated Homes Seeking subcommittee feedback on outlined research: Is the approach reasonable? – Likely to succeed as advertised? – Does estimated cost range match outlined research? – Recommended modifications? Is there a better path? 2
Measure Background HUD is current minimum federal standard. Some homes still being built to this spec – HUD update currently in the works, likely to take effect within a few years – New requirements expected to come close to current NEEM specs (NEEM 1.1) HUD+ is estimated average spec for non-NEEM/EcoRated home since about 2010 NEEM 1.0 was Super Good Cents after that program ended; NEEM 1.0 lasted until 2004 NEEM 1.1 is NEEM since 2004 (current at time of this presentation) – NEEM 1.1 specs cover shell, duct sealing and ventilation, plus a tiny DHW thing (0.93) – Big change from NEEM 1.0 to NEEM 1.1 was locking down window efficiency at U-0.35 (before, efficient windows traded off against other shell components) – NEEM 1.1 meets current ENERGY STAR requirements, but the reverse does not always hold. EcoRated is NEEM 1.1, plus window U-0.32, 80% efficient lighting, ENERGY STAR fridge and dishwasher, and low-flow showerheads and faucets HPMH is a very efficient spec that has been studied in small demonstration projects but currently has very little traction in the region NEEM 2.0 doesn’t yet exist. It is currently a placeholder name for the program that will replace NEEM 1.1 after the coming HUD update takes effect 3 Efficient Baseline
Why Planning? Construction specs pretty well-understood, but engineering/simulation estimates not enough for Proven savings values Need data that provides direct insight into difference between energy consumption in efficient new MHs and standard new MHs 4
Research Strategy 5 – Research Strategy
Research Objectives Savings estimates should be closely tied to observed differences in energy consumption between samples of baseline and efficient-case homes – Engineering models okay for making adjustments but final savings estimates should be “largely driven” by observed kWh differences For a sample of efficient-case homes and a comparable sample of baseline homes, need to collect – energy consumption data – home/site characteristics needed to adjust or filter the samples so the observed differences in energy consumption will be clearly meaningful Improving understanding of as-built shell components in baseline or efficient homes is not an explicit objective of this research 6 – Research Strategy Red print for items added after draft went out for review
Straw-man Approach: Sample Size To estimate savings ±750 kWh/year (with 90% confidence), analysis sample target is 154 efficient homes and 154 baseline homes Previous draft indicated 85 of each to achieve ±1000 kWh/year Change motivated by reassessing a priori savings estimate Precision level depends on magnitude of savings (more on this later) Limiting sample to homes without natural gas or heat-pumps may simplify the analysis Sample attrition may be caused by data collection problems and/or data filters used in the analysis 7 – Research Strategy
Straw-man Approach: Sample selection Qualitatively, researchers should make reasonable efforts to avoid major discrepancies between baseline and efficient-case samples Problem if efficient sample mostly sited on private lots and baseline sample mostly sited in parks With broad sample frame, random or quasi- random sampling can help reduce discrepancies Samples do not need to be rigorously representative with respect to geography – for instance, sites may be chosen from a limited number of parks or within a single climate zone 8 – Research Strategy
Straw-man Approach: Data Collection Required data: Billing data (at least 12 consecutive months), Location (county or zip code and whether site is in a park or a private lot), Construction standard (NEEM, EcoRated, or Other), Building characteristics (as-built component U- factors and square footage), Heating system type and off-grid heat (presence or absence at minimum), – Probably need customer contact (phone interview) or visual site inspections for these 9 – Research Strategy
Straw-man Approach: Analysis (1) Billing analysis – Perform site-level billing analysis to estimate annual heating energy for each home in the sample – Calculate billing data’s average difference between efficient and baseline homes: = bill.heat.base – bill.heat.efficient Engineering analysis: – Run SEEM for each house using generic shell inputs based on building standard and site-specific inputs for climate, component U- factors, and square footage (may need to adjust internal gains for EcoRated homes) – Calculate SEEM’s average difference between efficient and baseline homes: = seem.heat.base – seem.heat.efficient Realization rate: – Ratio of the differences is the realization rate used in final savings estimates: RR = / 10 – Research Strategy
Straw-man Approach: Analysis (2) Final heating energy savings by zone calculated in two steps: – Run SEEM models for baseline and efficient cases; difference is ex ante heating energy savings – Final heating energy savings is ex ante times RR Other savings components (as applicable) estimated separately – Lighting and appliance savings (EcoRated) based on RTF workbooks for lighting and affected appliances (with appropriate HVAC interaction factors 11 – Research Strategy
Straw-man Approach: Sample size Sample size calculated in terms of absolute error instead of relative precision because we don’t know savings If savings is 2300 kWh, then ±750 kWh is 33% precision Sample size proportional to inverse of squared error – For ±750 kWh, n = 154 – For ±1000 kWh, n = 154*(750/1000)^2 = 86 – For ±500 kWh, n = 154*(750/500)^2 = 346 RTF will need to determine what precision is acceptable (90/10 probably not feasible) 12 – Research Strategy
Straw-man Approach: Cost Need subcommittee feedback Currently indicated as $100K - $250K for data collection only 13 – Research Strategy
Discussion and Feedback Is the approach reasonable? – Likely to succeed as advertised? – Does estimated cost range match outlined research? – Recommended modifications? Is there a better research path? 14
Additional Slides 15 – Additional Slides
RTF Decision: Approval to “Planning” Category, “Active” Status RTF Decision: Approval to “Provisional” Category, “Active” Status. RTF Decision: Approval to “Proven” Category, “Active” Status. 16 December 2015 RTF Meeting Later, or maybe never Later still (or never)
What is a Research Strategy? Clarifies knowledge gaps in non-Proven measures Focuses on high-priority research objectives – What does the RTF need for the measure to be proven? – Anything researchers should pay special attention to? Outlines a straw-man approach to data collection and analysis – Demonstrates one feasible research path – Research Sponsors develop final Research Plan Sponsors can work with RTF staff to ensure plan addresses RTF needs RTF reviews final Research Plan later (at Provisional Planning step) Calls out approaches that probably wouldn’t suffice (optional) Provides a rough cost estimate (based on straw-man approach) Research Strategies try to be BRIEF: Critical items shouldn’t get lost in a sea of helpful suggestions 17 – Additional Slides