Planning of a Gradual Release Lesson
Common Board Configuration Objective Participants will review the components of the Gradual Release Lesson Plan template Essential Question How can I use the Gradual Release Lesson Plan template to plan and execute engaging and rigorous lessons during core instruction? Home Learning Utilize your Reading Coach, Specialists, and Common Planning Time opportunities to plan your Gradual Release lessons.
What is the Gradual Release Model? Improving Practice-Gradual Release Model Video
Gradual Release Model Lesson Plan Template
GRM Lesson Planning… *Benchmark, Objective, and Essential Question can be found in the Curriculum Guide *Assessment Piece for the lesson can be the product completed during the ‘Independent Practice’ or ‘You Do’ *Vocabulary: Are there words that you can ‘frontload’? Model using context clues to determine the meaning of? *Higher-Order Questions
Use the Curriculum Guide to Determine Focus
FCAT 2.0 Item Specifications
Pre-Planning for a Gradual Release Lesson
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Asking Questions…
Lesson Planning… Approach planning by thinking about what will it take for students to master the objective, NOT what to do Monday- Friday
Daily Introduction Every day begins with an introduction o Day 1 is used to hook the learners and set the purpose for learning o Subsequent days used to review previous learning
I do Explicit modeling by the teacher using elmo, projector and smartboard. Teacher will make notes, and interact with the text live using smart board technology
We do/ They do Teacher guides practice of the objective
Independent Practice A: Students who need additional support B: Students who are working on grade level C: Students who need to be challenged or finish early EVERYONE uses grade-level, complex text during this time.
You do
Daily Close Every day ends with a close o Day 1 is used to draw student’s attention to what they observed the teacher do so that same processes can be replicated o Subsequent days used to reflect on the learning that occurred as the students practiced o Last day used to review and answer the Essential Question
Rotations *60 minutes, daily *Based on Student Data (i.e. DAR, IOWA, CGA)
Common Board Configuration Objective Participants will review the components of the Gradual Release Lesson Plan template Essential Question How can I use the Gradual Release Lesson Plan template to plan and execute engaging and rigorous lessons during core instruction? Home Learning Utilize your Reading Coach, Specialists, and Common Planning Time opportunities to plan your Gradual Release lessons.