VSBA Task Force on Workforce Readiness Co-Chairmen Bill Kidd, school board member, Wythe County; VSBA president Dr. Tom Brewster, superintendent, Pulaski County
Task Force Members Bill Kidd, board member, Wythe County (co-chairman) Dr. Thomas Brewster, superintendent, Pulaski County (co-chairman) Jarvis Bailey, board member, Fredericksburg City Carrie Coyner, board member, Chesterfield County Ruth Larson, former board member, Williamsburg-James City County Patty Long, home and public relations specialist, Westmoreland County Don McCann, former board member, Lancaster County Anita Parker, board member, Gloucester County Dr. Keith Perrigan, superintendent, Norton City Dr. Greg Smith, superintendent, Richmond County Dr. Chris Stacy, director of secondary education, Tazewell County
Why Workforce Readiness?
The mission of the VSBA Task Force on Workforce Readiness is to support school divisions by identifying and promoting workforce development opportunities that enable students to be prepared to succeed in the new economy.
Key Goals Funding Innovation and Workforce Development (PK-12) Addressing the CTE Teacher Shortage Survey Superintendents Identify and Promote Replication of Best Practices in the Commonwealth Promoting Career Education and Workforce Development Identifying Other Shortages and Gaps
November 2015 CTE & Workforce Readiness Statewide Survey
Key Findings Increased funding is needed to sustain current programs, develop new programs, update equipment and resources, and obtain the highest quality instructors.
Key Findings
Key Findings How has CTE funding for your programs changed in recent years?50%33% 17% Fewer Funds Stable Funding More Funds
There is a need for greater collaboration between business/industry leaders and CTE. Key Findings
Key Findings
The ability to employ the most qualified personnel for CTE instruction is an ongoing issue. Key Findings
Key Findings Top 5 factors that hinder the implementation of new, innovative CTE programming: 1.Lack of qualified instructors 2.Lack of facility space or specialized equipment 3.Licensure/Certification issues 4.Redirection of funding to support SOL curriculum 5.Private sector hiring competition (ie: salaries, benefits)
Increased collaboration with business and industry, the community college system, and the core school setting is necessary. Key Findings
Key Findings Support of CTE by other entities and groups
Key Findings
The impact of scheduling and graduation requirements and SOL demands significantly affects a student’s availability to be enrolled in CTE programs. Key Findings
Key Findings Approximately 90% of respondents state that scheduling/graduation requirements do impact student opportunities to be involved in CTE programs.
We should explore virtual learning and distance learning options in order to expand workforce training opportunities throughout the Commonwealth. Key Findings
Key Findings 45% indicate that virtual/hybrid learning opportunities are being used, with economics and personal finance being the most common offering. 55% indicate no usage of virtual/hybrid learning opportunities.
The need for earlier introduction of career education and options is necessary for both students and families. Key Findings
Key Findings Grade level where school divisions begin the discussion on career awareness/CTE opportunities with students and parents
Enhance the integration of essential employment skills or soft skills and ethics throughout our K12 classrooms Key Findings
77% of hiring managers felt that “soft skills” were just as important as “hard” or technical skills when evaluating candidates for employment.
Over the next decade, Virginia will need to fill over 1.5 million highly skilled jobs. To address the urgency of filling these positions, both college and career readiness must be central to the mission of our K12 schools. Thank you for the opportunity to be here today. We appreciate your support for our public schools. Final Thoughts
VSBA Hot Topic Conference – March 16, Wytheville, VA Sharing of resources and best practices VSBA Showcases for Success Developing a resource page on VSBA web site Continued engagement and alignment with strategic partners Education and advocacy Next steps