The Pupil Premium Grant for looked after children Gareth Williams-James Head of Virtual School
Same purpose Different process to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers managed by the VSH of the authority which looks after the pupil
The VSH can retain a portion pool funds respond flexibly to the needs of individuals and groups … just like any head
Essential references the Education Endowment Foundation toolkit page 3 of Feb 2013 OFSTED report on approaches to using PPG maximise-achievement maximise-achievement OFSTED effectiveness evaluation School Inspection Handbook
Suffolk looked after children termly information from DT to VS on progress of each child along detail of support strategies “about £600 per term” some retention but… VS team wants to see the funds in schools and the successful outcomes of support strategies
Remember it’s about the interventions and strategies it’s not about precise sums for individuals you’ll need to understand the barriers “Stop looking up and start looking out” (John Dunford – PP Champion)
OFSTED ring fence funding to spend on target group high expectations analyse who underachieves and why use evidence to allocate funds to big impact strategies high quality teaching not compensation for poor teaching use data to check impact and adjust
OFSTED highly trained support staff senior leader oversees PPG teachers know which pupils are eligible (ie vulnerable) able to demonstrate impact involve governors
Designated teacher app free to Suffolk schools works on any platform login details sent to all schools November 2014 contact VS team VS on SCC main website next term (currently SchoolSurf)