1.Food in form of sugar – used for energy 2. Glucose, light, water, air, suitable temperature, minerals 3. Food = energy minerals = healthy development 4. Mixtures used for proper growth and development 5. Increase surface area, increase absorption of water and minerals 6. Evaporates out of leaf 7. Deplete soil’s natural mineral supply Recycle leaves and grass or add fertilizer 8. Different concentrations of basic nutrients
9. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium = % of N - nitrogen, 3 = % of P- phosphorus, 4 = % of K = potassium 11. Healthy leaves 12. Not enough= light green leaves, thin stem too much = large leaves but small flowers 13. Healthy roots and flowers tulips, newly planted trees 14.Leaves turn dark, purple/blue 15. Survive dramatic temperature changes, protect from disease 16. Brown droopy leaves
17.Calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, boron, copper, chlorine, manganese, molybdenum, zinc 18. Poisonous mineral salts build up on roots 19. Change amount of water added to fertilizer