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Have your say in things
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QDP On Programme Survey Monday 18 th –29 th January 2016
What is this survey? The On-Programme Survey gives you the chance highlight things you would like changed and tell us about your positive experiences of teaching and learning. Think of positives and those things that could be improved. What have you achieved by coming to College? What has contributed to this? Who has helped you? What do you think could be done better?
We want to know about.. Your experience of: o Teaching: what helps you learn? Is the feedback you receive helpful? o The spaces and the equipment you use Your overall college experience: o What are the positive aspects of your college experience? o How could it be improved?
What happens with the survey results? The results of the survey are analysed every year. These have resulted in positive changes in all areas.
How will I know the results? The results will be summarised and fed back to you through the Student Council. We will also let you know of any initial steps we will be taking as a result of the survey through ‘You said, we did’ posters and tutorials.
Dept: Business Voc YOU SAIDWE DID You said that lessons are not always well organised.We shared best practice within the team; planned better lessons; set clear lesson objectives and used students as time-keepers. You said that you would like teachers to use different ways to help you learn. We created more differentiated lessons which encourage active learning and use a variety of teaching techniques. You said that you were not always encouraged to behave well or work hard. We made our expectations clear at the start of the year. We consistently monitor behaviour and apply the disciplinary policy. We made use of awards to reward good behaviour. We set SMART targets in supported studies.
Dept: Business A-level YOU SAIDWE DID You said that you would like to use the VLE more. We developed Moodle to be more interactive. All teachers attended sessions on Moodle. You need help with study skills and time organisation. During induction, we planned lessons which develop learner skills. You need help with developing independent learning skills. Teachers in each subject developed an independent learning assignment which will help learners practise their skills.
Dept: Social Sciences YOU SAIDWE DID We are not sure about our target grades All students are given an A5 sheet to record subject specific baseline and target grades and keep these in their folders. Some classes are using a feed forward sheet where students reflect on assessments by reviewing feedback on work and comparing their current grade with their target grade and indicate improvements needed. We would like the opportunity for full mock exams for all examined units For exams that were over 1hr 40 mins, two Wednesday afternoons were allocated in April for a 2 hour mock exam. We would like checklists for all subjects.Checklists were issued for all topics
Dept: Foundation Learning YOU SAIDWE DID You said you would like more lunchtime activities for Entry Level students. We have organised more lunchtime activities for Entry Level students. Art and Music activity sessions will start in the summer term as part of the Nrich programme. You said you would like us to increase the range of sports opportunities for students across foundation learning. We appointed some Ability Counts Sports Ambassadors to represent foundation learning. We increased the range of sports events available to students with learning disabilities. You said that some vocational activities were not challenging enough on Level 1 and Step Up. Learning activities have been reviewed and adjusted to allow for more stretch and challenge – e.g.. Online assessment
Dept: Health Studies and Childcare YOU SAIDWE DID You said that learning objectives were not always made clear in lessons. We clearly display learning objectives at the start of lessons and create half-termly ‘Plan of Objectives’ for each unit. You said that you were not always kept interested in lessons. We do more group work, use video clips and use more relevant resources. You said that alternative arrangements were not always made when the teacher is absent. We created a bank of cover work which is co-ordinated by the manager.
Dept: ICT YOU SAIDWE DID You said that teaching and learning methods did not suit all. We use different methods and approaches to include all types of learners. You said that you are not always interested in all of your classes. We increased the amount of practical work to put theory into practise. You said that you if students met the hand-in deadline they should receive quick feedback. Formative: staff meet the college policy of returning work with 2 weeks with developmental feedback which supports understanding and learning. Summative: the assessment and IV process allows for up to 20 days before learner work can be returned. Feedback is limited to pass/fail under BTec assessment rules.
Dept: Performing Arts YOU SAIDWE DID You said you would like more help on how to study independently. We scheduled a pilot cross-programme study group for revision and completion of research/written units. You said that you are not always confident that you are making good progress. We ensured assessment for learning/learning checks are routinely made in lessons and that formative feedback is given. You said that you do not always know what your baseline grades are. We give regular feedback on your progress relative to your baseline grades and what you need to do to improve in supported studies.
Dept: Social Sciences YOU SAIDWE DID You said that you did not know your target grade or how to achieve it. All students have been given an A5 sheet to record subject specific baseline and target grades. Some classes have piloted a feed forward sheet for students to review what they need to do to improve grades. You would like full mock exams for all examined units.Additional 2hr mock exams took place in April. You would like checklists for all subjects.Checklists have been issued for all topics.
Dept: Travel, Tourism & Sport YOU SAIDWE DID You asked for more practical methods of assessmentWe used more practical methods of assessment including digital recordings, role-plays and online blogs. You asked for more regular feedback We have introduced a 2-weekly turnaround for assessment. You asked us to make deadlines clearer.We remind all students of their deadlines consistently and routinely in class and in their course-guides.
How do I complete the survey? Most students will complete the survey online during tutorials. Make sure that you understand the question before you answer it. If in doubt, ask. Your tutor will give you any support you need, and explain anything you don’t understand.
Where will I find the survey? The address to follow is on iVIc Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. Please complete all the surveys showing to you You will find a for each course you are taking Take a moment to consider your responses and be as honest (but fair!) as possible. Your views are important to us
onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. This is your College
onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. Have your say in things
onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. Tell us your story so far
onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. onnaire.aspx?sid=6413 Once you are in the survey you type in your ID number. Help make it the best it can be