Chapters 5-6, 8
What’s your favorite story from childhood? What makes it you favorite? Answer these questions in your notebook, give details so that it’s at least a paragraph in length.
Types of movement: Entering Walking Standing Turning Sitting Rising Gesturing exiting
Notice the 5 Ws: WHO moves WHAT moves WHEN there is movement WHERE movement occurs WHY movements occurs
6 Rules of Stage Movement 1.Movement should always happen for a reason. 2. Movement should be simple. 3. Movement should be exaggerated. 4. Movement should help develop a character. 5. Movement should be towards the audience. See facial expressions, direct audience toward who is talking, so you can be heard 6. Movement should be balanced between actors. Never upstage another actor!
Sound clip #1 Sound clip #1 Sound clip #2 Sound clip #2 Sound clip #3 Sound clip #3 Sound clip #4 Sound clip #4 Video clip #1 Video clip #1 Video clip #2 Video clip #2 Video clip #3 Video clip #3 Video clip #4 Video clip #4
Come up with a mnemonic device to help you remember the 6 rules for movement.
Important terms: (define on worksheet) “Raked”- angled downward from back to front “Sightlines”- lines in the wings that shield you from the audience “Upstage”- away from the audience “Downstage”- close to the audience “Stage Right”- right side of the stage from the actor’s perspective “Stage Left”- “Quarter Turn”- “Profile”- “Three-Quarter Turn”- “Full Front”- “Full Back”- “Cross”- crossing the stage from one side to the other
Important terms: “Interplay”- interacting with other characters “stepping on” “Ensemble Ethic”- being part of the cast, paying attention to all aspects of the scene/production “falling out of character” “emoting”