The Age of Imperialism: Introduction and Causes. Roadmap Explain and define Imperialism. Explain the significance of the British Empire. Explain the three.


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Presentation transcript:

The Age of Imperialism: Introduction and Causes

Roadmap Explain and define Imperialism. Explain the significance of the British Empire. Explain the three main causes for Imperialism.

Definition of Imperialism Policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, or economically.

British Empire At this time, Great Britain was the most powerful country in the world. Established dominance over much of the world; footholds in every region.

Causes of the Rise of Imperialism The Industrial Revolution (Need for Raw Materials) Nationalism Missionary Work

Question How did the people living in colonies like being ruled by foreigners? How did the Europeans view the peoples they were colonizing?

The Industrial Revolution As industrial revolution progressed, more complex items manufactured. Need for raw materials: –Copper –Tin –Gold –Diamonds –Rubber –Other Cash Crops: Result: Plantations

Nationalism Europe saw empires as sign of greatness power. Many Europeans thought they were better than others; sought to Westernize other countries. –This led to….

Nationalism, Ctd.: Racism and Social Darwinism Racism –Europeans thought they were superior to other races; justified control over them Social Darwinism: –“survival of the fittest” applied to human societies.

Rudyard Kipling: “The White Man’s Burden” “White people consequently have an obligation to rule over, and encourage the cultural development of people from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds until they can take their place in the world by fully adopting “Western” ways.”

Missionary Work Westerners hoped to spread Christianity to help “civilize” other peoples. Church hoped to end the slave trade.