Prison System The prison system is operated as a separate function of the Ministry of Justice Lesser crimes are sent to provincial civil prisons More serious crimes (murder, kidnapping, rape) carry a potential death sentence or serve time in the 3 penitentiaries Treason, terrorism, and other crimes against the state are also sent to the penitentiaries.
Prison System Prisoners are segregated according: seriousness of their crimes length of their sentences Inmates of civil prisons can receive visits from their families once a week. More difficult to visit prisoners held in penitentiaries Conjugal visits are allowed most of the time
Conditions Both types of institutions range from primitive to modern Penitentiaries worse than numerous civil prisons Prisoners are often crowded together, and sanitary facilities are poor. Inmates at other prisons are thought to live under better conditions.
Conditions Medical care is rudimentary in most cases Local doctors visits each prison regularly to treat sick prisoners Seriously ill prisoners are sent to local hospitals The prison diet is described as bland and starchy Visiting families usually bring food
The Stranger~ Mersault was thrown in a room filled with Arabs, got harsh treatment Poor living conditions Mersault’s cell was cramped with small window Slept on a wooden plank All but one visit from Marie was blocked After the visit, Mersault got a letter from Marie Cannot visit anymore, because she wasn’t his wife Realized his cell was his "last home," and, as he puts it, "a dead end.“ Changed mindset from “free” to “prisoner”
the end