EU-funded research on marine ecosystems and their services MAES WORKSHOP 19 June 2013, Brussels Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services.


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Presentation transcript:

EU-funded research on marine ecosystems and their services MAES WORKSHOP 19 June 2013, Brussels Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) in the marine environment Ana Teresa Caetano DG Research & Innovation Environment Directorate

7 th EU Funded R&D Programme (FP7) Structure and Thematic Areas 2

Ocean observation systems and monitoring methods Ex: Eurosites, Acobar, Hypox, Envirogrids, Medina Ocean observation systems and monitoring methods Ex: Eurosites, Acobar, Hypox, Envirogrids, Medina Climate Change, Pollution and Risks Ex: THOR, EPOCA, MedSea, Ice2sea, ATP, CLAMER Climate Change, Pollution and Risks Ex: THOR, EPOCA, MedSea, Ice2sea, ATP, CLAMER Monitoring technologies Ex: Protool, Midtal, WreckProtect and Theseus Monitoring technologies Ex: Protool, Midtal, WreckProtect and Theseus FP7 Environment Programme Marine & Coastal Research Management of marine environments Ex: ODEMM, MEECE, Knowseas, SESAME, MESMA, Vectors, PERSEUS, Coralfish, Hermione Management of marine environments Ex: ODEMM, MEECE, Knowseas, SESAME, MESMA, Vectors, PERSEUS, Coralfish, Hermione 3

4 FP7 Environment Programme Marine & Coastal Research Policy drivers: Integrated Maritime Policy for the Union (“The Blue Book”) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (environmental pillar of the Maritime Policy) EU Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research (science pillar of the Maritime Policy) Europe 2020 Strategy and related flag ship initiatives e.g., Innovation Union (Horizon 2020)

5 Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Prb. 8): “By applying an ecosystem-based approach to the management of human activities while enabling a sustainable use of marine goods and services, priority should be given to achieving or maintaining good environmental status in the Community’s marine environment, to continuing its protection and preservation, and to preventing subsequent deterioration”.

KNOWSEAS Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas 6 “Ecosystem services are the aspects of ecosystems utilized (actively or passively) to produce human well-being. They derive from ecosystem composition, organization and structure as well as ecosystem processes. The processes become services only if there are humans that (directly or indirectly) benefit from them.” (Knowseas Deliverable 9.3, 2012)

MEECE Marine Environmental Evolution in a Changing Environment 7 MEECE Model Atlas covers the main European regional seas and provides simulations and projections for how ecosystems will respond to different scenarios for environmental change (e.g., acidification, temperature, overfishing, euthrophication, pollution) in a form that's readily accessible to policy-makers, fisheries officials and other users of marine science.

CoralFish Ecosystem based management of corals, fish and fisheries in the deep waters of Europe and beyond 8 An European Deep-Water Coral Reef Atlas this atlas contain maps of the geographic settings of the different types of coral reefs (home of commercially important fish species) found in European waters. It will also include a unique quantitative comparison of the amount of coral habitat present in each of the major regions studied. CoralFish project has developed tools and modelling approaches that can support the implementation of MSP in the offshore and deep-sea.

Horizon 2020 proposal ( ) Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies Industrial Leadership Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nano, materials, bio, manufacturing, space) Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellent Science European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Curie actions on skills, training and career development Research infrastructures Shared objectives and principles Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Europe 2020 priorities Supporting the objectives : European Institute for Innovation and Technology Joint Research Centre European Research Area International cooperation Simplified access Dissemination & knowledge transfer 9

Horizon Environmental research under Challenge 5 Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, including Raw Materials "Societies face a major challenge to establish a sustainable balance between human needs and the environment. Environmental resources, including water, air, biomass, fertile soils, biodiversity, ecosystems and the services they provide, underpin the functioning of the European and global economy and quality of life. Global business opportunities related to natural resources are expected to amount to over EUR 2 trillion by Despite this, ecosystems in Europe and globally are being degraded beyond nature's ability to regenerate them and environmental resources are being over-exploited. For example, 1000 km² of some of the most fertile soils and valuable ecosystems are lost every year in the Union, while a quarter of fresh water is wasted. Continuing these patterns is not an option. Research must contribute to reversing the trends that damage the environment and to ensuring that ecosystems continue to provide the resources, goods and services that are essential for wellbeing and economic prosperity". in Proposal for a Council Decision establishing Horizon

Horizon Marine environment research under Challenge 5 Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, including Raw Materials Broad line of activities (adapted text): 1.Fighting and adapting to climate change e.g. further understanding the role of the oceans 2.Sustainably managing natural resources and ecosystems ‒ Further our understanding of the functioning of ecosystems, including research on marine ecosystems, from coastal zones to the deep sea. ‒ Provide knowledge and tools for effective decision making and public engagement (…) emphasis will be put on critical policy relevant ecosystems and ecosystem services, such as fresh water, seas and oceans, air quality, biodiversity, land use and soil. 3.Ensuring the sustainable supply of non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials e.g. deep-sea resources 4.Enabling the transition towards a green economy through eco-innovation 5.Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation & information systems (including ocean observation) 11

Horizon 2020 a Strategic cross-cutting approach to Marine research « This cross-cutting approach to programming and governance will allow effective coordination between all of Horizon 2020's specific objectives and will allow to address challenges which cut across them, such as for instance sustainability, climate change or marine sciences and technologies.. » in Proposal for a Council Decision establishing Horizon

Horizon 2020 Negotiations 30 November May December 2012 end 2012-early 2013 during st semester 2013 end 2013/start 2014 Commission proposals Council partial general approach on FP Council partial general approach on SP Negotiations with EP & Council ('Trialogue') EP and Council decisions Preparation of 1st Work Programme Publication of 1st calls 13

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