What is it? Aparthied- was a legal system of racial segregation started by the Union of south Africa noted as early as Who was segregated? The Whites were segregated from everyone else including the Africans who native to the land.
Apartheid set out the divide and separate anyone who was not white. Black Africans were allowed to own very little land. They had to go to separate schools, public facilities, restaurants etc. They were NOT allowed to hold any political offices or to vote.
Apartheid Laws set out to classify South Africa’s people into 4 racial groups: Black White Coloured and Indian Black South Africans had their citizenship taken away from them and they had to become citizens of what was considered ‘homelands’
Even though Black South Africans made up 95% of the population, they only had 13% of the land and the land was not in the best condition. White South Africans made up 5% of the population and they had 87% of the land including all major cities. Is there a disparity here?
Many Black South Africans lived in complete poverty having nothing more than shacks to live in, some without access to toilets or running water. Many children went without proper clothing or beds
Any Black South African was subject to be searched and have possessions taken at any moment when outside of their ‘homeland’. If they were found outside of their ‘homeland’ without a pass, they could be arrested.
Black South Africans had to obtain a pass to leave the ‘homeland’. Passes were needed to obtain jobs and officials made it hard to come by.
Many Black South Africans protested to Apartheid. Some nations like the U.S. and Britain began to get involved by setting embargos Embargo- They refused to trade with the Union of South Africa
In 1964, Nelson Mandela a civil rights activist was convicted of treason (betraying his country) and was sentenced to life in prison. Nelson Mandela spoke out about Apartheid and fought for justice and equality. Mandela was the leader of the African Nation Congress (ANC) which opposed South Africa’s white minority government and their policy of racial separation He spent 27 years on Robben Island. While in prison he became and inspiration and the struggle to end Apartheid got stronger.
F. W. de Klerk South African’s President in 1990 began to dismantle (to take apart) the apartheid system. February 11, 1990, Mandela was released from prison 1993 Apartheid ended thanks the efforts of de Klerk and Mandela
De Klerk re-wrote the constitution of South Africa Both Mandela and de Klerk won the Noble Peace Prize in 1993 for their courageous efforts
Black South Africans can live where ever they wanted One person=one vote Rule. Black South Africans can now vote Nelson Mandela was the 1 st Black South African to become president of South Africa. People stood on line for days for the opportunity to vote. This was the 1 st time they had ever voted.
Although things are not as fair as they could be, the situation in South Africa is much better under the new constitution than it was under Apartheid.