Gianni Versace By: Krystial Cebe
Time Line: 1946: Date of Birth = December 2 in Reggio Calabria, Italy (small underprivileged Italian town) 1972: Moves to Milan- brother Santo soon follows to help 1970s: By mid 70s Gianni gets his big break- Genny and Callaghan hire Gianni to design their leather and suede collections 1978: Gianni presents his first Versace signature collection at Palazzo della Permanente Art Museum in Milan 1978: Opens first boutique in Milan at Via della Spiga 1982: Meets long time partner Antonio D’Amico 1985: Introduction of Instante Vesa = “conservative chic” 1989: Introduction of Atelier Versace = custom made fashions 1989: Introduction of Versus Line - Donatella’s venue = younger trendy audience 1991: Introduction of Versatile Line = specialized for full figured women 1991: Introduction of Versace Jeans Couture = casual based on jeans 1993: Introduction of Home Signature = tableware, bath & bed linens, lamps, etc. 1997: Introduction of Versace Makeup 1997: Assassination of Gianni Versace by Andrew Cunanan Boring, I know, but a little needed information
A Beginning: December 2, 1946 Reggio di Calabria, Italy S e d u c t i v e l y b e a u t i f u l o r c h a r m i n g w o m e n S i r e n s t y l e = b e g i n n i n g t r a d e m a r k O r i g i n a l l y a n a r c h i t e c t s t u d e n t Palazzo della Permanente Art Museum Versace Boutique at Milan’s Via della Spiga
Early Works of the 80s: Skin tight A young, sexy, and bit aggressive women Ultra-sexy High-slit “Rock&Roll”
Fall/Winter 1992 – “Bondage”:
Spring/ Summer Collection – Versace Classic V2:
Business Aspect: Gianni = 45% Santo = 35% Donatella = 20% Santo: Chief Executive Gianni: Fashion Designer Donatella: Public Relations Donatella: “muse and critic”
Gianni’s Values: “Contrasts are the keys to my creations.” – Gianni Antonio D’Amico and Gianni Versace from a home album Versace Family: Santo Gianni Donatella Antonio Allegra
Santo Versace: Santo and Donatella Versace Santo and Cristiana
Donatella Versace: Chief Designer and Impressionistic Sister “inspiring muse”
Donatella Versace’s Work: 2010 Collection Spring/ Summer Fall/ Winter
Donatella Versace’s Work: 2005 Collection
Donatella Versace’s Work: 2000 Collection
Spring/ Summer Collection Fall/ Winter Collection Versace Catwalk Versace Collection Spring/ Summer Collection Fall/ Winter Collection Spring/ Summer Collection Runway
Bibliography: women.html women.html All photos were used based off connections through Google Images