Your Next Big Project… Start Date: Today Choose Partner/Topic: Friday Library Research: Thurs 11/2 & Fri 11/6 Parade Date and Report Due: Monday, Nov 23 Work with a partner Do research Write a report Build a float March in a parade
Pick a Partner BE CAREFUL… Your grade is partially based on your partner’s work Your grade includes points for cooperation You will complete an evaluation form on your partner
Pick a Topic BE CAREFUL… Study anything about the Am. Rev. War…but… Pick a topic you both like…and… Pick a topic that is “do-able” (something that is not too weird or too large)
Do Research Locate information about your topic: use the Internet, visit the school library, look around home, go to the public library BE CAREFUL…do not plagiarize! Build a bibliography Cite your sources You must have at least six sources (one book, one encyclopedia (book), and one web site minimum)
Write a Report Write a report (2 to 3 pages) The report should be an expository essay like an encyclopedia article BE CAREFUL…do not plagiarize!
Pick a Skateboard Build your float onto a skateboard or other moveable object You will NOT ride on the skateboard Attach a “pull rope” or string to the skateboard Remote control devices are okay
Pick a Shoe Box Your shoe box should be sturdy Choose a shoe box that is not too big (boot box) and not too small (baby shoes)
Build your Parade Float Decorate your float to show others what you have learned about your topic Use any arts and crafts supplies you like Hang a banner or sign on the float to identify your topic You may add battery operated effects (lights and sounds)
Shoe Box Float Example Conestoga Wagon “float” in a parade depicting pioneers moving to the west in the mid-1840s
Shoe Box Float Example Queen’s Float in a shoe box parade depicting costumes and events of Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans
Shoe Box Float Examples Deborah Sampson disguised as a man float. Revolutionary War Medical Supplies wagon.
Shoe Box Float Examples Molly Pitcher living history wagon float. Battle of Quebec float.
Join the Parade! ALL students will be in the parade ALL floats will be pulled in the parade If your float won’t roll or breaks down, carry it
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