Organic Compounds
Four Groups of Organic Compounds A. The four groups of organic compounds found in living things are: 1.Carbohydrates 2.Lipids 3.Proteins 4.Nucleic Acids
Composition A. Made up of the elements: Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O) Universal Formula C 6 H 12 O 6
Functions A. Main source of energy for Consumers B. Structures (like the cell wall of plants or the exoskeleton of insects)
Groups A.Monosaccharide 1 sugar molecule B. Disaccharide 2 sugar molecules C. Polysaccharide many sugar molecules
MONNOSACCHARIDES 1.GLUCOSE- basic source of energy Ex: (fruits) C 6 H 12 O 6 2.FRUCTOSE- the sweetest of monosaccharides; found in fruits 3.GALACTOSE- a single molecule of milk
DISACCHARIDES 1.MALTOSE—found in wheat and barley 2.LACTOSE—made up of galactose & glucose (milk sugar) 3.SUCROSE—table sugar
POLYSACCHARIDES Supply long term energy PROVIDES STRUCTURE!!! EXAMPLES: 1. Starch-stored energy in plants (potatoes) 2. Glycogen- stored energy in animals (muscle & liver cells) 3. Cellulose- found in plant cell walls
How it gets into our bodies Bread Sweets Fruit Vegetables Pasta Potatoes
Composition Made up of the elements: Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O) Made of mostly C & H hard to break down
Functions A. Long Term Energy Storage B. Make up the cell membrane
GROUPS 1. MONOMERS— fatty acids 2. POLYMERS—triglycerides, phospholipids, and waxes *** Triglycerides — --UNSATURATED FATS— liquid at room temperature (ex: vegetable oil) --SATURATED FATS—solid at room temperature (ex: butter) -- TRANS FAT – the worst fat
How it gets into our bodies Dairy products Fried Foods Cooking Oil Butter Nuts
Composition Made up of the elements: Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O) Sulfur (S) (sometimes) Nitrogen (N) **THE MOST DIVERSE GROUP OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS**
Functions 1. PROVIDE STRUCTURE—help to build organisms (ex: hair, lungs, heart) 2. TRANSPORT—carry important molecules throughout the organism (ex: hemoglobin carries oxygen) *HELPS WITH IMMUNITY* 3. ENZYMES—proteins that change the rate of a chemical reaction collagen hemoglobin
Groups Proteins are made of monomers known as Amino Acids (AA) Amino Acids can be joined to form Polypeptides (Proteins)
How it gets into our bodies meat poultry fish dairy eggs legumes nuts
Nucleic Acids
Composition Made up of the elements: Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O) Nitrogen (N) Phosphate (contain Phosphorous)
Functions 1. carries information for the cell **GENETIC INFO FOR MAKING PROTEINS**
Groups 1. monomers = NUCLEOTIDES 2. polymers = DNA and RNA
How it gets into our bodies Inherited from our parents
The Common Elements The common elements in living things are: C, H, O, P, N