Department of Public Instruction Open Enrollment Technical Assistance Workshops November & December 2012 Open Enrollment & Habitual Truancy
Wisconsin Act 304 A nonresident school board may: Deny open enrollment If the pupil was habitually truant, From the nonresident school district, During any semester of attendance in the current or previous school year. Terminate open enrollment: In the succeeding semester or school year, If the pupil was habitually truant, During either semester in the current school year.
3 Truancy Truancy means: Any absence of part of one or more days from school, During which the school attendance officer, principal or teacher, Has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent pupil, And also means intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of Wis. Stats. §
4 Habitual Truancy Habitual truant means: A pupil who is absent, Without an acceptable excuse, For all or part of five or more schools days on which school is held, During a semester.
5 Guidelines for Implementation Policies Open enrollment policy Truancy and attendance policy Consistency of standards and implementation Notifications Prior notifications Notifications of absences Notification of habitual truancy
6 Open Enrollment Policy Open enrollment policy must specify if a school board intends to: Consider habitual truancy in approving and denying open enrollment applications. Applies only to habitual truancy from the school district the pupil is applying to attend. Terminate open enrollment of open enrolled pupils who are habitually truant. Tuition waivers may not be terminated due to habitual truancy, but the pupil may be denied open enrollment if she or he applies.
7 Truancy/Attendance Policy All provisions of the truancy/attendance policy must apply equally to open enrolled pupils as to resident pupils, that is: The board may not require more of an open enrolled pupil than of a resident pupil. The board may not employ a more stringent definition or interpretation for an open enrolled pupil: Particular problem: part of a school day
8 Prior Notification of the Open Enrollment Consequences of Truancy Provide the following notices at the beginning of the school year: Truancy policy. Open enrollment consequences of truancy. Clear definition of truancy and habitual truancy, including what constitutes “part of a school day”. A description of the notifications a parent can/should expect to receive when a pupil is absent and/or truant. How and where the parent can view the pupil’s attendance record and a process for the parent or pupil to follow if they believe the pupil was erroneously marked truant.
9 Notifications of Absences & Truancy Send all notices required in state law and board policy. Notify the parent of a child’s truancy and direct the parent to return the child to school. Remind the parent of the open enrollment consequences of habitual truancy. Notify the parent, by registered or certified mail, when the child initially becomes a habitual truant. Must contain all elements of Wis. Stats. § (2) (cg), even if the board intends to terminate OE.
10 The Record of the Decision (if appealed) Open enrollment and truancy/attendance policies Evidence that the parent and pupil were notified of the OE consequences of truancy and exactly what constitutes truancy and habitual truancy, including what constitutes “part of a school day” The pupil’s attendance record All notices sent to parents concerning the pupil’s absences and truancy and when the pupil became habitually truant A record of all meetings or contacts with the parent or pupil concerning the pupil’s truancy Any other information or evidence relevant to the board’s decision.
11 Open Enrollment Staff and Resources: Mary Jo Cleaver, Open Enrollment Consultant Jennifer Danfield, Open Enrollment Education Specialist Robert Soldner, Director, School Management Services Department of Public Instruction P.O. Box 7841 Madison, WI web site: