Smart Card And GSM Based Advanced Security System Student Name USN NO H.O.D Name Guide Name Name Of The College & Dept
CONTENTS Abstract Objectives Block diagram Methodology Advantages & disadvantages Applications Conclusion
1.ABSTRACT: Smart Cards are often touted as “secure” portable storage devices. A complete, high-level design methodology has been proposed for embedded information systems based on smart card devices. However, this methodology takes as granted that information’s stored on the card will be really securely stored, and access control will be correctly maintained. Unfortunately, standards and specifications, created by hardware and software vendors for both the card hardware and the micro operating system which runs it have been repeatedly proven not as secure as they are commonly supposed to be.
2.OBJECTIVES: The main objective of our project is for As smart cards and other chip-based cards advanced, people found new ways to use them, including charge cards for credit purchases and for record keeping in place of system. In the U.S., consumers have been using chip cards for everything from visiting libraries to buying groceries to attending movies, firmly integrating them into our everyday lives. Several U.S. states have chip card programs in progress for government applications ranging from the Department of Motor Vehicles to Electronic Benefit Transfer.
4. METHODOLOGY: The project aims in designing a system which automatically detects the cards and sends the alerting message to the predefined number. Now a day’s technology is running with time, it completely occupied the life style of human beings. It is being used everywhere in our daily life to fulfill our requirements. We can not only increase the speed of life but also increase security with good ideas by making use of advanced technology.
5. ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES: Two level security system . Less time consumption . The proposed system is secure and does not allow unauthorized user to access the system. No need of bank manager to present physically in bank when locker is to be opened. Highly secure system even if smart card and mobile is stolen .
DISADVANTAGES: The only thing that is clear about constitutional protections for location-based service information is the lack of clarity.
6.APPLICATIONS: Banking/payment . Loyalty and promotions . Access control . Stored value . Identification . Ticketing . Parking and toll collection .
7.CONCLUSION: From the above designed project it can be concluded that we are able to transmit the data which is sensed from remote human using wireless transmission technology GSM. It is completely integrated so that it is possible to track anytime from anywhere. It has real-time capability. The future works include optimizing the hardware system, choosing a suitable GPS receiver. Improving the routing algorithm can be improved by neural network. This system has many advantages such as large capability, wide areas range, low operation costs, effective, strong expandability and easy to use. Upgrading this setup is very easy which makes it open to future a requirement which also makes it more efficient.