Teen Dating? We think it’s potential danger, but… By: Sasha, Raissa, Nisa, Giovani, Farah
Our Opinions A healthy relationship should be like when the two of you feel comfortable with each other. None of you would feel forced when you’re together. There’s no strange feeling. You have to feel like you’re with your best friend. An unhealthy relationship is the reverse of the healthy one. It’s when your partner force you to do something you don’t like or you don’t want to. Teen dating actually has some positive sides. Like when you teach each other lessons one of you don’t understand. Or when one of you behave better, that way, you will behave good too because your partner automatically make you to do so.
Facts (based from our sources) Did you know that even hurting words your partner said is an abuse and could ruin your entire relationship. Only 33% of teens who were in an abusive relationship ever told anyone about it. Teen victims of dating violence are more likely to abuse drugs, have eating disorders, and attempt suicide. Approximately one in five high school girls has been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. Eighty percent of teens believe verbal abuse is a serious issue for their age group.
Positive sides from teen dating CONFIDENCECOMPROMISETRUSTFUNCOMPATIBILITYMATURITYREJECTION From rejection, teens will have experience in handling hurt and rejection. They learn to go through the grieving process and eventually move on.
Suggestions Don’t force your relationship if there’s nothing to defend anymore. Don’t be an overly attach partner because none of you will feel comfortable. You have to know your boundaries. For example; you have to beat teen pregnancy, no teen should be pregnant anymore, don’t have sex before marriage. Trust your inner voice. Don’t ever lie to other people especially yourselves. If you have an emotional feelings about your relationship, make a conscious choice to express those feelings in healthy ways. You can talk to someone, write in a journal, or go for a walk.