You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing Survey Emerging Leaders 2008: Group O You Are Not Interlibrary Alone Results From an ILL Staffing Survey Emerging Leaders 2008: Group O Design and conduct a survey focused on how interlibrary loan (ILL) operations are staffed in different sizes and types of libraries. A possible part 2 (or 3) of the project could be to design a "databank" for the survey results that would allow interested persons to search for data relevant to their library environment. Although ILL workload significantly increased during the years, the pay of interlibrary loan employees relative to other employees in their library stayed at about the same level. The overall morale is about the same as other library employees. Most ILL employees have some training opportunities. Training for many is limited by lack of funds, low staffing levels, and, in some cases, by lack of interest. Interlibrary Loan is most frequently used in the job title, followed by Document Delivery, and Access Services. Majority of ILL activities are located in a separate department. Borrowing, on-campus Document Delivery, and Document Delivery to distance learners are the most common ILL services. 32% of the surveyed libraries processed more than 10,000 transactions during the most current year.. The very nature of interlibrary loan (borrowing old, rare, & esoteric items) just makes it more FUN! When I retire…I can't imagine that I'll be replaced. I think they'll just cut services. We are far busier than other departments. There is a feeling that we are working harder for the same money. Growing need for ILL as a result of reduced materials budgets Dramatically decreased student staffing thanks to ILLiad We should rely on staff members rather than only student workers. March 15 – Survey details in place April 4 - Survey officially opened 1,033 May 5 - Survey officially closed. 1,033 responses received May 6 – Begin to analyze data June 1 – Begin poster June 15 – Finish/print poster June 26 – Annual! PROJECT TIMELINE WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT ILL STAFFING YOU ARE NOT ALONE VOICE OF ILL STAFF RESPONDENTS CONTACT US Linda Shippert: Bethany Sewell: Ying Zhong: A GLOBAL VIEW ILL Qualifications: Attention To Detail Computer Skills Time Management Skills Service Oriented Flexible Reference Skills Curiosity To Solve Mysteries… Mentor: William Gee : All types of ILL transactions have both increased in the past 10 years and are expected to increase in the next 10 years. ILL staff and librarians attribute increases to: Increasing patron base Better holdings information in WorldCat/OCLC Loss of local collections due to budget cuts Expansion of distance programs Increased ease of requesting Electronic delivery of articles Increasing awareness of the service and of resources Participation in consortia Addition of new services (such as document delivery) TRANSACTION LEVELS INCREASING