WHY? Revenue Tourism Provides services
“Why do People Come to the Mall to Shop”
LOCATION Selection of a retail location requires time and careful consideration easy access to pull customers parking as a common feature of the layout weather protection neighborhoods (Building a shopping mall)
CONSTRUCTION COST Building: million dollars Materials Builders Electricians Painters Plumbers Labor Mac Cost*
MAINTENANCE COST Cleaning: Bathrooms Trash Décor Vending Maintenance Staff
TYPES OF MALLS Strip Mall Outlet Mall Mega Mall Shopping Center "Shopping-Mall."
FLOOR PLANS Circle Square Outdoor Indoor “Mall of America Map”
RETAIL STORES Depends on how large is the mall successful retailers has a reasonable chance of success Has a good reputation Adequate interior space “Start a Retail Business in a Shopping Mall”
RETAIL STORE LOCATION Stores location within the mall Visible Catch the shopper eyes adjacent stores Easy of entry and exit Fit in the retail mix
RETAIL STORE EXPENSES rent is a fixed amount no relationship to sales volume. guaranteed rent per square foot. pay for light fixtures Counters shelves, painting, floor coverings, installing your own heating and cooling units (Retail store )
TOP 10 RETAIL STORES 1.Kohl’s 2.Dillard’s 3.Macy’s 4.Belk 5.Neiman Marcus 6.Sak Incorporated 7.Burlington Coat Factory 8.Bon-Ton Stores 9.Sears 10.JCPenny “Kohl’s”
FOOD COURTS Diverse Kid Friendly Eating style accommodations
ATMOSPHERE provide an atmosphere created for shopping comfort Weather protection Incising color scheme Fun
FAMILY Kids Attractions in food Courts Kids attractions around the mall Kid Friendly stores “Play Place.”
EVENTS Santa Claus Easter Bunny Private Event Proms Weddings parties
CRIME IN MALLS Crime depends on the location of the mall. Most is not premeditated. Most crime is caused by adolescents. Buy as well as steal.
LARGEST SHOPPING MALL IN USA Mall of America(1992) 4.87 million square feet 40 million visitors annually $2 billion generates in economic activity annual 500+ stores WORLD New South China Mall in Dongguan “Ghost Mall” (2005) 7,100,000 sq. ft. Expected 100,000 visitors a day 47 stores in this entire shopping mecca (Tour China's Enormous) (Facts About The Mall Of America)
DISADVANTAGES “ mall building.” Excessive crowding especially on weekends and holidays. Retailers may not like mall managements control of their operations Competition within shopping centers can be intense Keeping to a monthly budget becomes difficult
HOW MUCH DO THEY MAKE Malls only make rent money stores in a mall pay rent Rents vary Average amount changes based on the amount of stores in the mall.
ADVANTAGES Various types of brands under one roof. There are a lot of different events and offers. There is food great meeting places for friends to catch up Beat the weather and still shop We find everything needed at one stop (Shopping mall)
SUMMARY It’s all about location All aspects of funding are considered Stores are selected with care Malls are every where With good comes bad
“That’s All Folks.”
WORK CITED Taylor, Adam. "Tour China's Enormous 'Ghost Mall' That Sits Virtually Empty Years After It Was Built." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 05 Mar Web. 20 Apr Zigler, Andrew. "30 Surprising Facts About The Mall Of America." BuzzFeed. BuzzFeed, 28 July Web. 20 Apr “Why do People Come to the Mall to Shop” “Mall of America Map” "Shopping-Mall." Shopping-Mall. Covert Surveillance Inc., n.d. Web. 17 Apr Newmen, Rick. "America's Most Profitable MUSalls - US News." US News RSS. N.p., 26 June Web. 21 Apr "10 Things Shopping Malls Won't Tell You." MarketWatch. Market Watch Inc., 28 June Web. 21 Apr “Kohl’s.” “Play Place.” “That’s All Folks.”