Subjunctive Forms Carla Geiger Latin II, III
Subjunctive, Active/Pass. Present tense ē: 1st ā: 2,3,4 Conjug. r, ris, tur, mur, mini, ntur= passive endings 1st Conjugation passive porter In order to be carried porteris portetur portemur portemini portentur Subjects 1st Conjugation Ego I portem In order to carry Tu You portes Is/Ea/Id He/She/it portet Nos We portemus Vos You Pl. portetis Ei/Eae/Ea They portent m, s, t, mus, tis,nt= active endings WE BEAT A LIAR
Present Tense, 2nd , 3rd conj. ē: 1st ā: 2,3,4 Conjug. R, RIS, TUR, MUR, MINI, NTUR Subjects Second Active 2ndConj. Passive Ego I docēam docēar Tu You docēas docēaris Is/Ea/Id He/She/it docēat docēatur Nos We docēamus docēamur Vos You Pl. docēatis docēamini Ei /Eae/ Ea They docēant docēantur In order to teach In order to be taught Subjects Third Active Passive Ego I mittam mittar Tu You mittas mittaris Is/Ea/Id He/She/it mittat mittatur Nos We mittamus mittamur Vos You Pl. mittatis mittamini Ei /Eae/ Ea They mittant mittantur In order to send In order to be sent
Present Tense, Active/Pass., 4th audiēt: future=he will hear audiat: subjunct.=that he may hear 4th Conjugation Passive audiar So that I am heard audiaris audiatur audiamur audiamini audiantur Subjects Active 4th Conjugation Ego I audiam So that I hear Tu You audias Is/Ea/Id He/She/it audiat Nos We audiamus Vos You Pl. audiatis Ei/Eae/Ea They audiant BE: sim, sis, sit, simus, sitis, sint; Volo: velim, velis, velit, velimus, velitis, velint
Subj. Perfect Tense, Active 3rd part of verb:= perfect stem+ eri + endings audivit: perfect indicative= portaverim I have carried I docuerim I have taught portaveris you have carried you docueris you have taught portaverit s/he has carried he she/it docuerit s/he has taught portaverimus we have carried we docuerimus we have taught portaveritis you have carried you Pl. docueritis you have taught portaverint they have carried they docuerint they have taught
Subj.Perfect Tense, Active 3rd part of verb:= perfect stem+ eri- audivit: perfect indicative= traxerim I have pulled I audiverim I have heard traxeris you have pulled you audiveris you have heard traxerit s/he has pulled he she/it audiverit s/he has heard traxerimus we have pulled we audiverimus we have heard traxeritis you have pulled you Pl. audiveritis traxerint they have pulled they audiverint they have heard
EX: Perfect passive, 2nd conj.-same method for all conjugations 2 separate words in Latin; one is a be verb; one is a past participle 2nd Conjugation doctus, docta,doctum sim I have been taught I sis you have been taught You sit s/he has been taught He/She/it docti, doctae,docta simus we have been taught We docti, doctae, docta sitis You Pl. sint they have been taught They