UNIT I, Lesson 5 一. Unstressd Interrogatives Used as Indefinite Adjectives or Pronouns: 他還有幾個美國女朋友。 * 我還有幾把椅子. Ta hair yeou jiig Meei.gwo neuperngyeou. He also has several American girl friends. 你要不要吃點 儿 什麼東西 ? Nii yaw buyaw chy deal sherm.me dong.shi? Do you want to eat anything? 我不要吃什麼東西。 I don’t want to eat anything. Woo buyaw chy sherm.me dong.shi. 他喜歡誰﹖ 他不喜歡誰。 Ta shii.huan sheir? Ta bushii.huan sheir. Whom does he like? He doesn’t (really) like anybody.
UNIT I, Lesson 5 二. Jiow 就 : Just; Then. 1. 我就要一個。 I just want one. Woo jiow yaw ig. 2. 哦 ,你就是那個有名的丁一 。 Oh, nii jiow.sh ney.g yeouming.de Ding I. Oh, so you’re that famous Ding I. 3. 那,我就不要了。 Nah, woo jiow buyaw.le. In that case then, I don’t want it anymore. 4. 他去,我就不去。 If he goes, then I won’t. Ta chiuh, woo jiow bu chiuh.
UNIT I, Lesson 5 三. Sheang 想 : A. To think that (Used about objective matters. N.B. no “n egative thinking: ” 1. 我想他是中國人。 我想他不是。 Woo sheang ta sh Jong.gworen. Woo sheang ta bush. I think sheis Chinese. I don’t. 2. 你想他喜歡丁一嗎﹖ Do you think she likes Ding I? Nii sheang ta shii.huan Ding I.ma? 3. 你想他喜不喜歡丁一﹖ Do you think she likes Ding I? Nii sheang ta shii.bu shii.huan Ding I. (N.B. Cannot use “s heang.bu sheang ” to mean “d o you think that ”)
UNIT I, Lesson 5 三. Sheang 想 : B. Would like to, want to (less determined than yaw 要 ): 他的龍想吃我們。 His dragon would like to eat us. Ta.de long sheang chy woo.men. 我不想說。 I don ’t want to say. I’d rather not say. Woo bu sheang shuo. 你想不想去 ? Would you like to go? Do you want to go? Nii sheang bu sheang chiuh? C. To think of, miss: 我很想我的貓。 I miss my cat very much. Woo heen sheang woo.de mhau. 你還想家嗎﹖ Are you still homeshick? Nii hair sheang jia.ma?
PLACE WORDS Jonggwo, Meeigwo, Inggwo suhsheh, jiawshyh, shyueshiaw, fanngoan jell, nall, naal, naa.lii woo.jell, nii.nall, ta.nall, nii.men.nall juotz.jell, yiitz.nall, chuang.huh.nall laoshy.nall, woo.de perngyeou.jell
UNIT I, Lesson 5 四. Shanq 上 ( or Daw 到 ) Place Chiuh 去 (or Lai 來 ): 1. 我們到中國去吧。 Let’s go to China. Woo.men daw Jong.gwo chiuh.ba. 2. 你們上我這 儿 來,好不好﹖ Nii.men shanq woo jell lai, hao.bu hao? How about coming over to my place? 3. 我不想到丁一那 儿 去. Woo bu sheang daw Ding I.nall chiuh. I don’t want to go to Ding I’s. 4. 你還想到月亮上去嗎﹖ Nii hair sheang daw yueh.lianq chiuh.ma? Do you still want to go to the moon?
UNIT I, Lesson 5 五. Tzay 在 : To be in, on, at a place 1. 丁一在哪 儿 ? 他不在這 儿 。 Ding I tzay naal?Ta bu tzay.jell. Where’s Ding I?He is not here. 2. 他還在中國。 He’s still in China. Ta hair tzay Jong.gwo. 3. 在他朋友那 儿 。 Tzay ta perngyeou.nall At his friend’s. 4. 你的皮包在哪 儿 ? 在不在桌子那 儿 ? Nii.de pyibau tzay naal? Tzay bu tzay juo.tz nall. Where is my wallet? It is by that table.
UNIT I, Lesson 5 六. Yeou.meiyeou 有沒有 A. To have 1. 你們有沒有馬﹖ 他有,我沒有。 Nii.men yeou.meiyeou maa?Ta yeou, woo meiyeou. Do you have horses?He does, I don’t. B. There is, there are 1. 那 儿 有沒有馬﹖ 昨天有,今天沒有。 Nall yeou.meiyeou maa?Tzwo.tian yeou, jin.tian meiyeou. Are there any horses there?There were yesterday, but not today. 2. 丁一那 儿 有酒。 There’s wine at Ding I’s. Ding I nall yeou jeou.
UNIT I, Lesson 5 七. Neng 能 : Can or Cannot 1) Physically, 2) Situation permitting, 3) Conscience Permitting: 1. 我不能吃龍蝦 。 Woo buneng chy longshia. I can’t eat lobsters. (I have allergys.) 2. 他不來,我們不能去。 Ta bu lai, woo.men buneng chiuh. If he doesn’s come, we can’t go. 3. 我還是覺得我不能說。 Woo Hair.sh jyue.de woo buneng shuo. I still feel I can’t tell (you/others).
UNIT I, Lesson 5 八. Huey 會: A. To know how to, to be able to (thanks to study or practice.) 1. 他們都會寫幾個字。 They can all write a few characters. Ta.men dou huey shiee jiig tzyh. 2. 你會不會說台灣話﹖ Can you speak Taiwanese? Nii huey bu huey (shuo) Tair’uan-huah? B. Will, Would (Used when predicting, promising, or declaring on one’s own authority that something will happen, or when wondering or asking if it will.) 1. 丁一會來。 Fear not. Ding I will come. Ding I huey lai. 2. 他會不會請我們 ? Will he invite us? Ta huey bu huey chiing woo.men?