Who started the religion? Where did it originate? Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity all is located in Asia. Christianity and Judaism both in Israel. Hinduism and Buddhism started in Indian subcontinent. Islam started in Mecca, Arabia. Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity all have different founders. Islam- Muhammad Judaism- Abraham Buddhism- Siddartha Guatama Christianity- Jesus Hinduism- Does not have a single founder.
What are some of their artwork and architecture? Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism has symbols. Christianity has chapels, cathedrals and religious paintings such as (angels, Jesus, and Noah) Unlike most religions Islam’s artwork does not have to do with religion.
Architecture/Artwork Pictures Islam
Architecture/Artwork Pictures Judaism
Architecture/Artwork Pictures Hinduism
Food Practices Both Christians, and Jews both have food practices in special occasions, but Christianity can eat meat and Judaism drinks a sweet wine and eats a special bread. Islamic cannot eat animals. Buddhist can be vegetarians.
Famous People in the Religion Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity all have a god or gods. HHinduism is polytheism. IIslam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity is monotheism.
Population ReligionPopulation Islam1.5 billion Judaism14 million Christianity2.1 billion Hinduism900 million Buddhism376 million
Where is the religion mainly practiced? Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism is mainly practiced in Asia. Judaism is mainly practiced in Europe. Christianity is mostly practiced in South America.
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