Kitaab at-Towheed by Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘ Abdil-Wahhaab Chapter Regarding Those who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan Starting momentarily in shaa’ Allaah…
The First Hadeeth Chapter: Those Who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (( Allaah the Most High has said: And who is more oppressive than someone who goes and creates things like what I have created?! Let him create a tiny ant, or let him create a seed, or let him create grain! ))
The Second Hadeeth Chapter: Those Who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (( The people who shall face the heaviest torture on the Day of Standing are those who compete with the Allaah’s (action of) Creating! ))
The Third Hadeeth Chapter: Those Who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (( Every image maker is in the Fire! A spirit shall be made for each image he made through which he shall be punished (additionally) in the Hellfire! )) [Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim]
The Fourth Hadeeth Chapter: Those Who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (( Whoever makes an image in this life shall be made to blow a soul into it (in the Hereafter), and he will not be able to do it! )) [Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim]
The Fifth Hadeeth Chapter: Those Who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan “Shall I not dispatch you with a duty that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) dispatched me with? That you do not pass by an image except that you deface it, nor a raised grave except that you level it.” - ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib (Saheeh Muslim)
Think Carefully… Chapter: Those Who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan VS. a few pictures dozens, hundreds Remember the hadeeth: (( …A spirit shall be made for each image he made through which he shall be punished (additionally) in the Hellfire! ))
Think Carefully… Chapter: Those Who Make Pictures Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan dozens, hundreds VS. 1000’s 10,000’s MILLIONs! (( …A spirit shall be made for each image he made through which he shall be punished (additionally) in the Hellfire! ))
Questions On the Topic of Today ’ s Chapter Kitaab at-Towheed – LIVE – 2:30 pm EST – Explanation by Moosaa Richardson, based on Al-Mulakh-khas by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan Guidelines for Asking Questions 1.Ask questions related to the material in the class. 2.Ask questions that will help you understand something practical in your Religion. 3.Do not get frustrated if you don’t get your question answered. Be patient and try again at another occasion. 4.You do not have to give salaams before asking a question. Simply give salaams when you enter the room, and this will suffice for everyone in the room, including the instructor. 5.Do not ask for information to be repeated. Instead, review the free audio recording of this lesson that will be available from TROID soon in shaa’ Allaah, or the recording at WizIQ.