1 Today Leading Project Teams - Virtually Getting Connected Maintaining Momentum Deliverables to Celebration 1 2 3
2 Load “faces” wbd
3 Reconnect & Recap Presentations Closing the project - steps Closing down the project team demo Learning Teams synthesis/series close Agenda
4 Tips and Tools What new, helpful virtual tools or practices have you discovered since we last met?
5 Reminder that this is where presentations are dropped in
6 Closing Down Projects ► Maintenance plan ► Customer feedback ► Lessons learned
7 Tasks/ Results Process/ Relationships Project Leader’s Challenge
8 Initial Confirmation/ Prework for Module 1 Prepping for Our presentation Working on Our topic Module 2 Module 3
9 Final Breakout Reconvene into your learning teams. Take :08 to discuss: Given everything we’ve covered in this series, what will you do differently as a virtual team member or leader? What did you find valuable about going through in learning teams? When you are ready, move yourself into your breakout room. Create a visual to summarize your group conversation.
10 Room 1Room 6 Room 2Room 7 Room 3Room 8 Room 4Room 9 Room 5Room 10 Jackie Alexander (A) Gibson, Joan (A) Tasha Jackson (A) Berumen, Eva (A) Naylor, Katie (C) Danylec, Donna ( C) Trujillo, Rachelle ( C) Bourgoin, Janice (D) Whelan, Wendy (D) Hand, Ambrosia (D) Lewis, Grace (D) Dyer, Kim (E) Woitulewicz, Stella (E) Turner, Gayle (E) Spicer, Margaret (F) Kennedy, Rebekah (G) Ballew, Tammi (G) Witkowski, Matt (G)
11 Given everything we’ve covered in this series, what will you do differently as a virtual team member or leader? What did you find valuable about going through this in learning triads?
16 Appreciation Graffiti Wall Any comments, questions, concerns –
17 Thanks!