Cory LaDuke
About California Demographics: Population: 37,253,956 people: 57.6% are Caucasian 6.2% are African American 37.6% are Hispanic American 13.0% are Asian American 12,187,191 households from 2005 through 2009 Geographic Facts: Size - 163,707 square miles Land area - 155,973 square miles Mean (average) elevation - 2,900 feet above sea level Highest point of elevation - Mt. Whitney (14,494 feet above sea level) Lowest point of elevation - Death Valley (282 feet below sea level)
Cooling Degree Days: Highest Total Cooling Degree Days = 1996 (47.4) Lowest Total Cooling Degree Days = 1967 (-142.4)
Heating Degree Days: Highest Total Heating Degree Days = 1967 (142.4) Lowest Total Heating Degree Days = 1996 (47.4)
Climate Data Summary: Record high temperature: 134˚F, (July 10, 1913) Record low temperature: -45˚F, (January 20, 1947) From Lowest average temperature: 40.1˚F (December, 1971) Highest average temperature:79.5˚F (July, 2006) Total Cooling Degree Days: 1270,9 Total Heating Degree Days: 4839,4