Changing the Subject of A Formula
Menu Subject appears ONCE Subject appears TWICE New Subject raised to a power
Subject appears once s is the Subject To make t the Subject Multiply by t Divide by s MENU
Subject appears once y is the Subject To make x the Subject Subtract c Divide by m Subject to LEFT MENU
Subject appears once v is the Subject To make h the Subject Multiply by 3 Subject to LEFT Divide by MENU
Subject appears once v is the Subject To make r the Subject Multiply by 3 Divide by Square root MENU
Subject appears twice To make x the Subject Add 7x Factorise LEFT Divide by (ty+7) MENU
Subject appears twice To make t the Subject Multiply by t MENU Multiply by r Subtract 7t Factorise LEFT Divide by (pr-7) Subject ONLY ONCE Subject NOW TWICE
New Subject Raised to a Power y is the Subject To make x the Subject Subtract p SQUARE Multiply by x Divide by (y-p)² MENU