Liudmila Stepanova SINP-MSU team Testing gLite Worker Nodes LCG Dubna, Jul 26, 2007
Goal of work The main goal of work is to create a set of tests for testing Worker Nodes (WN).The set of tests create by Dr. Zaborov (UI-test set) was used as basis.
The decision of a problem To achieve the goal the following steps were performed: 1. Choose the test set for Worker Node (WN) from Dr. Zaborov’s UI-test set ; 2. Create shell scripts for test set running (, ; 3. Create additional test ( 4. Run shell scripts, convert test results to human- readable format, analyze test results. 5.The tests have been submitted on all clusters of Tier2. The script provides an interface to the submission of a job via job management system gLite WMS. Script also creates a JDL file with next attributes: Executable=“”; InputSandbox={ “”, “zaborov_tests.tgz”, “tests.list” } Arguments=“LFC_HOST”; StdOutput="std.html"; StdError="std.err"; OutputSandbox = { "std.html", "std.err", "log.tgz" }; Where: - is an executable script - zaborov_tests.tgz is the tarball of all tests. - tests.list is the list of tests to perform. - - std.html result table in the HTML format - log.tgz is the tarball of test log files
Two kinds of a choice of CE are incorporated in the script 1.All the jobs are to be run on any CE in the domain can be achieved using in the JDL file the following expression: Requirements=RegExp(".*cern.*",other.GlueCEUniq ueID) 2.User chooses all CE get for everyone names of sites using ldapsearch: ldapsearch -x -LLL -h -p b "mds-vo-name=$SITENAME, \ mds-vo-name=local,o=grid" \ '(&(GlueCEUniqueID=*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRu le=vo\:dteam))'|grep ^GlueCEUniqueID |cut -d' ' -f2 |tr \ "\n" " "`) The script reads names of tests from the file tests.list and starts them. The output in HTML format is formed HTML table: Test Result INFN-TORINO
Made modifications WN tests are based on UI tests of Zaborov. is modified for WN. The name of modified script is WN This script for testing WN does not use -H giishost:port command line option. Environment variable $SITE_GIIS_URL is used for definition GIIS: GIIS_HOST=`echo $SITE_GIIS_URL` SITE_GIIS_URL=`host $GIIS_HOST | sed -e 's/^.*address//'` GIIS=ldap://$SITE_GIIS_URL:2135 IP address of GIIS_HOST is used as there are sites( INFN- TORINO,Ru-Troitsk-INR-LCG2) where WN are located in a local network and PBS_HOST=$CE_HOST. CE_HOST in /etc/hosts has local ip address.
New test The new test script checks the presence of EDG_WL_SCRATCH directory. If the directory exists script shows total disk space, used space and available space on physical device which EDG_WL_SWCRATCH directory is located.
Example of output: WN=egee-wn156.torinoegee VO=dteam LFC_HOME=/grid/dteam Test Result INFO OK Clicking on the result button gives the logs of test: OK === info EDG_WL_SCRATCH test === OK Variable EDG_WL_SCRATCH not assign OK OK OK OK NOTICE